Birthday in India and Seeing my first Movie in India, What an experience!

Birthday in India and Seeing my first Movie in India, What an experience!

Hello Friends.

If you're like me, you sometimes find it difficult to go with the flow. You want to plan everything out and have a set schedule, but sometimes life doesn't allow for that. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow and see where it takes you. I'm still working on this myself, but I'm trying to embrace the chaos and just go with the flow. I'm finding that it's actually a lot of fun, and I'm getting to do a lot of new things that I never would have done if I had stuck to my original plan. So if you're struggling with this, too, just remember that it's okay to go with the flow every once in a while.

As part of a workaway project, I talked with a Yoga Studio in Pune, India, and agreed to say here for a little and work with them. They would provide a place to stay and meals, and I would do what I can to assist them with what they do.

The owner, Vikas, and his wife, Shwetambari are some of the nicest people I have ever met. They opened up their home and lives to me, a total stranger and that is, beyond words.

This is the story of that first day (*second day in India).

The evening was Vikas's teachers birthday party, they invited me to join with them and celebrate. The plan was to leave at 4 pm, then drive over and celebrate with them.

Hoping in the Car, Vikas weaved in and out of traffic like a snake in tall grass. Bobbing and weaving with the grace of a boxer even. The chaos of the road, did not phase him in the least, while me, I was in the back, sorta lost and taking in the sights and sounds around us.


His teacher lived about an hour away, that was with traffic, I think no traffic, perhaps 25 min away. So we had a good deal of time to talk about life and India. This was also the birthday of a famous Indian king who helped to liberate India from the Mongols. So there was a lot of partying in the streets. I managed to get this photo of the bust of the king set up. Later on at night, these places would light up with people enjoying the celebration


Arriving at the house of Vikas's teacher, he was surprised to see us, and welcomed them and me into his home. It was a nice experience

We all sat to enjoy the day, then the birthday ceremony started.

Everyone, one at a time, would take a bit of rice and sprinkle it on his head, make a few small circles with a coin, and a lit lantern. These are blessings of good luck and fortune. Then he would give them some money.

After this, the cake was brought out, everyone would take turns feeding him some cake as well. It was all a lot of fun to watch, and the energy was high.

Here is a photo of the cake, before it was cutup.


This is all of us waiting for the party to start. The house was so nice, I wanted to take more photos, but also did not want to come off as being rude.


Much to my delight, there was also very tasty food presented to us. Some sweet, some tasty. One thing that I am still not used to... even though I thought it would be easy, is eating with my hands... Yes, most time they don't use utensils, but they eat with the hands. Sure, easy I thought, but it turns out, that it is much more tricky than I would have thought. Hahaha.


Shwetambari composted a poem as a gift, she recited with a call and response. While it was in Hindi, from what people translated it to me, it was a beautiful poem from the heart.


Everyone talked and smiled, talked about healing arts, yoga, life and more. Most of the time it was in Hindi, so I was a bit lost, but, now and again, someone would take pity on me and translate the subject of the current conversation. All in all, fantastic subjects, and great times with lifelong friends. I was blessed to be part of such an experience.


Here is Shwetambari, their teacher and Vikas, posing next to the poem that Shwetambari composed.


It must have been several hours, but I am not too sure, but it was time to go. Vikas was telling me about a film that came out here called "The Kashmir Files" (IMDB LINK HERE).

This film is about the genocide that happened about 30 years ago in the Kashmir region in India, and the confusion a lot of Indians still have about what happened, and why it happened.

A lot of people also fought for the release of the film in India, and other groups opposed it getting released, however it was released.

Vikas asked if I would like to go see it, I said yes and away we went. It was about an hour ride to the theater. We also picked up and dropped off another one of the party guests, but we did make it to the theater just in time.


Carnival Cinemas, what a place. We did have to walk through several metal detectors, and I set one off, but no one stopped me.


Here are Vikas and Shwetambari, two amazing people with warm hearts.


I am not sure how long the film was, but it was paused about halfway for an intermission. You could order food, then go to your seat, and attendants would bring it to you when ready. WOW. That was nice!

As for the film, it was quite heavy. Even though I did not understand most of it, as it was in Hindi with only a few subtitles, I got the basic understanding, and I asked Vikas many questions. I understood the larger plot point and what the director was going for. I would like to see it in English to better grasp the subtle message as well.

Go see the film, It is powerful and helps shed light on a confusing subject.

After the film, we exited. Not quite knowing what to say, we walked in silence for a while. Only after did I break it with more questions about the film and plot points.


We went back home after that and said good night. I had some work to do, and had a goal of waking up at 6:30 am for the Yoga class. So, off to sleep with me. :)

Good night friends, hope you are all going to have a great day.




Travel Photos:@RoamingSparrow


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