The Monument of a Mother who lives forever with time 🍀

Hi Hiver,
How are you today? I Hope You and your family doing well.
It’s me again, these are the last days of the year in our country. Besides visiting the graves of our deceased relatives, we often visit the graves of those who have special significance to the country's history. Today I want to introduce to you a place that I am very impressed with. Not only because of the beauty in the architecture but above all it is the meaning behind this architectural work.



It is a monument to the heroic Vietnamese mother Nguyen Thi Thu, built on the real image of a married woman with 9 biological sons, 1 son-in-law, and two grandsons who all died in the war. She was born in Dien Ban District, Quang Nam Province, she is the person with the most descendants who died in two wars, and she took her last breath in 2010 at the age of 104. She is the embodiment of mothers who spend their whole lives in pain, hard work, and diligently raising their children with sweet baby milk, sweat-soaked rice grains, and raising their children with love for the Fatherland, love for the Motherland, heroism is ready to protect the country.
In the garden of her house, there are 5 secret bases, where she and her adopted daughter hide many cadres, soldiers, and guerrillas.




Mother was born in a heroic land, gave birth to heroic children, and will reincarnate into the land and the country of Vietnam. Mother will live forever with generations of children and grandchildren today and in the future. Mother still adds a strong source of vitality to the young generations in the process of building and protecting the strong and strong Vietnamese Fatherland that the sculptor chose and adjusted in the process of expressing the ratio 1/ 1 to depict the heroic Vietnamese mother statue in the entire monument block.




Inside the statue, the block was built as a memorial house for the heroic Vietnamese mother. This place registers nearly 50,000 heroic Vietnamese mothers, shares photos, tells about the life and noble dedication of Vietnamese heroic mothers in exchange for freedom and peace for our country today. The main entrance door is located at the two ends of the cliff, behind the statue there are 2 auxiliary doors. The central monument block is attached to a large lake: About 981m2 (modeled in the shape of a semicircle).




The shape of the statue is a mountain that rises in the middle and lowers on the sides. In the center of the entire monument is a bust portrait of a heroic Vietnamese mother taking a portrait of a heroic Vietnamese mother Nguyen Thi Thu. The image is depicted with an inner dimension: The mother hid and suppressed the great pain and loss of the mother when she let her child go to exchange her body to sacrifice for the independence and freedom of the mother. Fatherland, with an extraordinary energy that not every ordinary person can do.





The image of a mother shows the beauty of kindness, tolerance, and patriotism.
With her calm and strong demeanor, her mother seems to be encouraging and adding life and energy to her descendants today and in the future, in the process of building and defending the strong Vietnamese Fatherland.





The two sides of the mother statue are two cliffs that are simulated like natural stone blocks that are seamlessly connected to each other but are cleverly represented by diverse and multi-dimensional shapes in a very flexible but still seamless manner with each other, transforming the rhythms and melodies from top to bottom, like a mighty symphony, expressed in the language of stone carving. The two sides of the cliff show images of heroes and martyrs looming in the form of evocative and evocative art methods to further honor the mother's symbol and evoke many deep and beautiful associations for viewers mother, about the country, about the people of Vietnam during the war, the present, and the future.




This image also reminds us of a magnificent and majestic image of a peaceful and unified country, the children of the three regions of North, Central, and South come back to gather with their mother, always looking to their mother with affection. Best regards and gratitude. The coordination between the main monument and the large lake harmonizes the image of Moutain - Water.


The clear water that follows the mother's body flows quietly from the cliffs to the lake floors like the way a mother lets her children and her blood silently dedicate to the Fatherland. That love is like a full bowl of water that never runs dry. The space was built as a park, with its own characteristic that it is the park of the heroic Vietnamese mother monument. The ground is planned in a leading way, creating a possibility to introduce emotions to viewers: From fluttering, emotional, to loving and deeply admired the image of Vietnamese mothers. Male hero, following each layer of architectural space, from outside to inside.




This form is very different from the space of the amusement park, the majestic park space reserved. Just as completely different from the parking space for other martyrs and victory monuments. The space of the monument park is structured in the form of a traditional ceremonial space: there is a square - a gate - the main path - a ceremony ground - a platform and a backstage. The two sides are gardens, the main path has steps gradually from the gate to the station.





The first place that catches our eyes at the monument park "Vietnamese Heroic Mother" is a large, airy, and magnificent front square for us to clearly admire the statue of the heroic Vietnamese mother. It is also the place where activities take place, exchanges, and welcomes visitors on festive occasions or daily to visit and learn about Heroic Mother, 30 years of long-term resistance to regain independence and freedom for the nation. Ethnicity is shown under the green grass.







Also in this square are 8 pillars, the average height is 9m, the diameter is 1.65m, the number 8 here according to the concept of Eastern people is the number symbolizing all the good and prosperity for the country. The legend of the Heroic Mother is carved in miniature on the pillars, depicting images of mothers in the North, mothers in the Central region, mothers in the South, and mothers in the Central Highlands.
These are beautiful, proud symbols of a resilient and indomitable Vietnamese woman. Behind the eight large pillars are two lakes, represented by two flowerbeds with intertwined colors giving the feeling of flowing water. The two lakes are symbols of the source, like the Vietnamese folk saying: Parents love their children as much as the sky and the pool. The main corridor is 210m long, divided into 4 stages with stairs to highlight the mother statue. The two sides of the main path are 2 springs, along with the brilliant colors of the flowers.
Bluewater flows day and night. Along the stream on both sides of the main path are 30 stone lamps, symbolizing 30 years of waiting for the day when the country is at peace and unification gather a house. The two sides of the main corridor are traditional and modern areas.




Symbolizes the harmony between the cultural identity of the nation and the modern trend towards the future. It is the emotional connection between the previous generation and the future generation. In the campus of the modern garden, most of the green grass is interspersed with local plants.
On those lawns were built white stone slabs, on the stone slabs were engraved beautiful poems about mother. Each poem makes the reader feel more deeply the infinite greatness of motherly love. Language helps emotions go deeper, more direct, and more settled. In the traditional garden area are small murmuring streams, colorful ornamental plants, stone bridges, and huts to rest.
The pavilions and corridors both cover the sun and rain and make the garden space natural and open. At the end of the street is a square where ceremonies and festivals are held to remember and honor Mother. This place is planted with ginger leaves and colorful clumps of trees on both sides. Reduces the glaring sunlight of Quang and can be used to accommodate a large number of adults when needed. The large lake in front of the Monument, semi-circular shape embracing the heroic Vietnamese Mother statue.
The heroic Vietnamese Mother Monument is the center of the space complex.






Behind the main monument is a rock garden. These large rocks are engraved with poems about mothers. The poems are imbued with love and respect, in harmony with the close natural setting and unique architectural style, giving visitors accumulating emotions, such as sharing the atmosphere with this meaningful place.



Even true stories and photos cannot express the joy and overflowing emotions when visiting the statue of Mother Thu. If you have a chance to pass by, you can stop by to admire.
Thanks for reading my post, have a nice weekend.
See you soon.

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