Video of my First Ski Experience with a view of Mont Blanc


This photo was taken by my husband at Mont Joly

This trip happened in April 2022. This is a sequel to a previous blog during Our First Family Holiday in the French Alps, you can read it [here](

Upon arrival in our chalet, we just needed a night of sleep because we were so tired. The next day, we woke up so late from our long-distance travel. Thanks to my husband for being the best driver. From Bretagne, we drove to the French alps, Saint Gervais les Baines. It is actually near the border of Switzerland and Italy.

I decided to take a video outside of our chalet as shown above.

Going to the Ski Rental

After having our lunch, we went to the ski rental to fit our shoes and ski.


The shoes are very heavy so I wasn't sure if I can walk in it.


It was late in the afternoon at 4 PM. The best time to go to the ski station is at 10 AM or earlier so that you can ski the whole day.


We arrived at Saint Nicolas de Veroce when it is closing at 5 pm. So, we never really go upstairs and stayed in the nearest slopes. So I practiced as a beginner. My husband showed me how to ski.


I enjoyed taking selfies and videos around while the kids were still sleeping inside the car. My husband and I kissed in the snow. Haha!


My husband has the photos and videos of me skiing. Elise was awake so I have to take care. Alexandre was with papa trying the ski.

My husband took many videos of me and Alexandre. There were times we need Elise to stay with the grandparents. I had 3 hours of free time to ski. It wasn't easy for me to ski with a limited time. I was 9 months postpartum so I never thought I could actually ski.

Here's a photo of Alexandre enjoying the snow.


To be honest, I really enjoyed the experience. I told Fred to do this as a yearly holiday for us. Because it is actually good for our body to be active. He was happy that I enjoyed it.

Alexandre also enjoyed his time skiing with his father. He calls me, "mama, mama!" every time he moves. And it was the cutest thing ever.

Here's a photo of me and Elise. It was a surprise because she got her 2 teeth growing up already. Congrats my baby!


We are so lucky we got free accommodation worth 500 euros. Yes, staying in a chalet in the French alps is very expensive. As a first timer going to the French alps, indeed, we were so lucky to be given a free voucher from Airbnb.

Here's a video below of my first ski adventure.

My Thoughts on my First Ski Adventure

Well, at first, it was actually difficult. Because the shoes are very heavy. It felt like there was a gravity pulling on my legs. For this kind of winter sport, I really need to be physically healthy and mentally ready.

I was very scared although my balance was perfect. It's just that I was 9 months postpartum with my second baby and I felt so fragile after having 2x caesarian surgery in less than 2 years.

For one week duration of our first family holiday in the French alps, I only stayed on the easy slopes. There was a time I was crazy I went to the medium/intermediate slope that I actually rolled in the snow. My husband and the people in the ski station got so worried that they thought they might bring me to the hospital. I learned my lesson on that big fall on not going to the higher slopes when lacking skills.

Since my husband is more of a professional skier, he went to another ski station and paid more for the ski pass. I was happy to stay on the beginner slope and enjoyed my 2-3 hours of skiing alone. While the grandparents took care of the kids.

If you ask me if I should do this again? Yes sure. So, my husband needs to save money for this yearly ski holiday trip to the French alps. That also means I need to find a job that will earn me money to sustain a traveling lifestyle. Hehehe!

Roxanne Tamayo -

Welcome to iTravelRox! Roxanne Tamayo is a Cebuana who is a traveler. Now a mom of 2 kids and a wife. She is a travel blogger and a digital nomad. As a Virtual Assistant, she does a lot of things like content writing, WordPress web design, WP updates and maintenance, graphic design, and photo editing. She is into wedding photography, as well.

If you like iTravelRox's content, please don't forget to upvote and leave a comment. She will share a lot of stories about solo travels, motherhood, family travel, and working as a VA.

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