Our First Family Holiday in the French Alps - Saint Gervais les Baines



When my husband and I were just boyfriend and girlfriend, he mentioned to me that he loves to ski. He showed this photo above to me and I was amazed. I told him how I wanted to do that. It is one of the bucket lists that I need to achieve.

I told him how I failed to get a visa for South Korea and the original plan was to try skiing there since I was planning there for winter in February. I cried when I failed the visa so I went to Boracay for 15 days. My plans to experience snow and travel to a new country got scrapped.

So, I bid goodbye to my dream and told myself not to expect anything in the future. I never expected that my husband would really pursue me. I also never thought to be in Europe.

When I arrived in France, my husband showed to me several videos of his childhood using old-school film. And he showed me his skiing video on how fast he was. He really knows how to ski and he is good at it. But he said he was very young at that time so his stamina is different compared to now. I told him I want to go and experience that someday. Funny, I was pregnant when I watched the video and it will take many years before this dream of mine will come true.

He told me many stories of his childhood and how every year they used to go on a ski holiday. He learned to ski when he was a child so he got better and better when he was a teenager to a young adult.

Now that he has his own family, his dream is to bring us to the mountains and experience skiing. At least for me but it is difficult with two kids when we have a toddler and a baby. He really wants to go back to the snowy mountain to get back on track. I also want to try to ski.

We were discussing how good my balance is. I told him I learned to drive a bike when I was 6 years old. I practiced surfing in the Philippines. I am not a professional but during my practice, I was able to stand up and glide with the waves. I did some roller skating when I was a kid. I did some ice skating once in Malaysia but not perfect as well. I was able to drive a motorbike in Myanmar when I was traveling alone.

My husband seems pessimistic but if I won't try, how will I learn and how will I know? I don't really care if I fail as long as I try to do another sport.

But don't forget the temperature. It's gonna be so, so cold up in the mountains with snow. That means we need to prepare and buy more winter stuff for me and for the kids.

I need to review my Ski lesson

My husband just sent me a video today for a ski lesson I can watch. He said I need to review and learn what to do on our next family holiday in the French alps in about two weeks. Anyway, here's a video that I can share.

I am actually busy cleaning the house and packing our clothes for the said holiday. So I need several vacuum storage bags.

Anyway, I was reading an article from @obsesija about her trip to the Swiss alps that's why I am inspired to write my experience.

Long Ride Destination

To tell you how it was, it was a long drive from our place to the French alps. We started at 3 Am and arrived at 12 noon.

Alexandre had a tantrum and was impatient before we left. He was so excited the past few days when his father told him about skiing and snow. When we got into the car, he said, "Happy!"

He was in the front seat while I was in the back seat with Elise for easy access to breastfeeding. He is always proud when he is in front like a Co-pilot of his father.

At about 10 AM, Alexandre threw up milk so we had an emergency stop and cleaned his mess in the car. I changed his clothes right away. It was a disaster so imagine the smell of vomit. My husband cleaned the seat for 30 minutes. We were about 3 hours away from our main destination. Elise asked for milk. We continued the drive. Alexandre fell asleep.

My husband woke me up to see the view


My husband woke me up to see the snowy mountains. And I was like saying WOW all the time.


I took several photos in the car. Here's the town with a snowy mountain background.

I actually cried because it was my dream to go to the alps and go skiing someday. My husband held my hand while he was driving the car. And I told him that I was dreaming of my deceased parents and the three of us going to the ski. I'll share a full story in another article.

I kept on saying wow and continued to cry. I am very happy to see and spend it with my own family.

My husband went to the office of the rental company to get the key. And he bought a baguette for our late breakfast.


Here we are drinking fresh orange juice while eating croissants and pain au chocolat with this kind of view.

We got free accommodation for one week


Our accommodation costs 500 Euro for a one-week stay. But guess what? The rental platform provided us a 500 Euro free voucher to cover up the hassles the company did to our bank card. It was a very long story. So yes, we don't spend money on our stay. Yahoo! It is a free holiday. Feels like we won a travel contest for a one-week stay of accommodation.

When we arrived at our house, I actually cried and jumped for joy to see this magnificent view.

After eating, I washed the kids and changed clothes. My husband needs to the clean house as we were waiting for his parents to arrive. Since we don't pay for the accommodation, bring the parents. Yahoo!

I washed myself after and brought the kids into the room for a nap.

I woke up hearing the voice of mami and papi with Filou the dog.

We enjoyed the night for a good dinner with the kids.

Anyway, here's a short/reel from Facebook for you to see:

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Roxanne Tamayo - www.itravelrox.com

Welcome to iTravelRox! Roxanne Tamayo is a Cebuana who is a traveler. Now a mom of 2 kids and a wife. She is a travel blogger and a digital nomad. As a Virtual Assistant, she does a lot of things like content writing, WordPress web design, WP updates and maintenance, graphic design, and photo editing. She is into wedding photography, as well.

If you like iTravelRox's content, please don't forget to upvote and leave a comment. She will share a lot of stories about solo travels, motherhood, family travel, and working as a VA.

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