Mini Switzerland of Pakistan: The Hidden Beauty

Swat is called the mini Switzerland of Pakistan due to its amazingly beautiful views , a district that has so many tourist attractions that you would have to stay in Swat for at least a week to cover them. It is now very easy to reach here after the motorway to Swat; the road structure is also very good. Generally, in summer season most parts of Swat are hot during the day but not as much as the plains. But here the nights are very cold and you need a heater, during the day you can wear half sleeves like me and at night you can't feel comfortable without a sweater or a jacket

In this blog I am talking about the area that is Malam Jabba, the special thing of this area is that there is so much snow in winter that tourists come here for skating, another special thing of Malam Jabba is the chair lift. When we reached Malam Jabba, it was evening time. The journey was very tiring and the hunger was intense. Arriving at a hotel, I booked a room and the first thing I did was to take out my sweater from my bag because the cold had increased. We reached the reception and ordered food as we were very hungry. Chicken Kadhahi was to very good, because it was very cold, so we ordered tea and reached the room, at night all activities in this area end and locals or tourists, everyone limited to their homes and rooms. Something similar happened to us and we decided to explore Malam Jabba in the morning



At seven o'clock we woke up. Took breakfast of omelet, Chana, Parathas and Tea, after which booked a car and reached the famous spring of Malam Jabba. This spring was like a waterfall and like most hill stations here we saw small farms of trout fish, we enjoyed the cool water of the spring

At Malam Jabba Waterfall.jpg


After exploring the spring we reached our next destination which is known as the park. This place was like a big field, here you can see green fields everywhere



After stopping at this place for some time, we reached the chair lift of Malam Jabba, where we took the chair lift ride. Malam Jabba is one of the places in Swat where people like to visit more in winters than summers. The beauty of this area comes to the fore during the snow

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