A Glimpse of the Birdcage in Brighton & Hove, England

It was empty the first time we passed-by it along the promenade towards the marina by mid-afternon. Going back to our hotel later on, the Birdcage was full of dancing pairs and to the side, some people were holding their drinks and perhaps oblivious to the beauty they presented to anyone passing-by. Coupled that with the loud music being played and the yellow-orangy color from the sun as it dipped beyond in the horizon by the sea. In the middle of a blue canvas from the sea and a cloudless sky, I paused and filled my senses of beauty and wonder in that moment.

Unexpected serenity and joy.



The Birdcage as it's called was built in 1884 and made of cast iron. Used to be a bandstand, though accordingly, it have stopped to be used as that for many years now. Any local would know more on how it is being utilised in this modern age other than a dancing venue. Although it is quite old, it looks romantic from its' structure. And as it stands along the promenade, it beckons people to have a glimpse of its' grand beauty.

Waking-up early before our planned swim, I thought I would check it out prior to my walk along the beach. With a few people jogging by the beach, the birdcage was totally empty. I didn't understand it but I felt subdued standing in the middle of the its' floor. With just the sound of a few seagulls flying overhead, I gazed to the sea with a heavy heart. To this day, I never understood why.



Away from the pier where most of the tourists go, the birdcage's location is very quiet. Personally, that is preferrable to be able to enjoy it.

Less than 2 hours away from #London, Brighton is the first beach destination for those who wants to go to the sea. Its' British Airways 360 viewing deck is a must to watch the sunset, its' marina and sea centre also draw kids and adults for some recreation away from its' waters.

All images are mine, taken with Huawei.


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