Preparations for the Mountain Trail Run In Koh Tao, Thailand

How we decided the trip

It was during our usual brunch with my Filipino friends here in Thailand that we came up with a plan to have a mini-getaway for the long weekend in May 2022. As usual in a group, everyone is always up for travel during the planning. Okayyyy. Let's see about that. LOL

While we were deciding on where to go, a lot of places were suggested and the common interest was going to the beach. Well, Filipinos love going to tropical beaches. In all fairness, there are nice beaches in Thailand. However, in my honest opinion and based on the places I have been to so far, beaches in the Philippines are still one for the books. Great water, great sand, and magnificent ambiance of nature.

After getting a lot of suggestions, one friend pointed out that we need to do something on the beach or island that is uncommon. Then this friend presented to us the first ever mountain trail run on Koh Tao Island. This island is located in the southern part facing the Gulf of Thailand.

I WAS DELIGHTED! A little background about me - I am into running, hiking and of course, a good mountain trail running. You can read my introduction post here to get to know me a bit more. With this, I immediately said Yes To The Dress, I mean, Yes to the mountain train run!

Discussions and plannings were made here and there. Then, we booked our hotel and flight and got ready for the trip.

By the way, we made this plan around late February 2022 so we still had time to train and prepare for our run. We know we are a bit crazy but not to the point that we will plan today and fly tomorrow then join the race. It would literally kill us. Take note: training is needed for this kind of activity.

Preparations and training

Since we still have roughly 2.5 months to prepare ourselves for the trail run, we individually planned our training. Three of us signed up for a 12-kilometer run and the other two friends opted to run for 4 kilometers.

Actually, this is not my first trail run so I have some idea of what to expect during the run. However, please know that I am not an expert on this. This is just one of my hobbies and I find fulfillment in doing so.

So the training began.

For the span of 2.5 months or around 10 weeks, I laid out a calendar to schedule my training.

Run 3 times a week divided into 2 weekdays for at least 5 kilometers each and 1 weekend for at least 10 kilometers.

The above plan is based on my personal research and recommendation from my running friends.

It is very important to train and prepare yourself before the race. This is not an ordinary road run wherein if you want to stop or ask for help, there will be people on the sidewalk or organizers who can immediately provide you with the assistance required. Trail runs include road running, trekking inside forests, going up mountains and hills, and running on beach sand, among other things.

However, I have to be totally honest with you about the training. It's not as perfect as you think it is. There were days or weeks that I haven't achieved my planned training. Sometimes, I get super lazy, have late night work hours, go out with friends, travel to different places where exercise is limited, and all the reasons I could possibly think of. Nevertheless, I always try to catch up whenever I can.

On days that I have limited time, I just go to the treadmill and do this routine: 3-12-30 workout. It's walking with a speed of 3 and an incline of 12 for 30 minutes. Just put on your TV series while walking on a treadmill and you are good to go.

However, on days that I really don't have any treadmill around or have a very limited time, I do 20 squats repetitions for 5 sets.

As they say, consistency is the key. Whenever you stumble down, forgive yourself first and always get up stronger.

List of things I bring during the run

Aside from putting in place a reasonable training plan, it is also equally important to prepare your running gear from the things you wear to the things you have to bring during the run. Personally, I have the following running stuff which I think are very important during the race.

Trail running shoes and socks

As mentioned, this is not an ordinary road run. You at least need to wear a good pair of trail running shoes with trail socks having nice grips. I bought mine from Decathlon since I'm still relatively new. Probably if I will continue this hobby, I'll find a new pair of trail shoes (of course, this will be after retiring my old trail shoes).

Just a tip: if it is your first time using the trail shoes, please do a break-in. Meaning, use the trail shoes a few days before your actual run or even use them during your training. If the shoes are new, it is usually hard or stiff and needs breaking-in. You don't want to have blisters during your actual run.

Comfortable top (shirt), shorts, and arm cover

For the shirt, you may be wondering - isn't the race going to provide you with the singlet shirt to use for the run? Yes, in almost all the races I've joined, the organizers provide the singlet shirt a day before or a few days before the run. However, I have this rule to myself that I don't want to wear anything new during the actual race. It somehow makes me feel uncomfortable. You know, first times have its risks. The new shirt might not fit me well, it might be itchy or other reasons. I like to wear clothes that I know I am comfortable running with. Of course, this is not a mandatory rule, it's just a personal take on things. You can always wear the event's singlet shirt.

For the shorts, the event will not provide for sure so you better wear something that is stretchable. Some runners wear leggings or compression shorts. As long as you are comfortable running with it, go use it.

For the arm cover, this is also optional. I just don't want to expose my skin too much under the sun to avoid a tan line. Besides, when running inside the forest, you would want your arms to be protected from tree or branch scratches. I bought mine from Uniqlo because of their airism concept. I am not totally sure how would it help but I think it keeps my arm feeling cool. Another tip is that, choose an arm cover that is light in color. Mine is white. The black arm cover traps heat under it and you might feel a burning sensation on your skin.

Cap (and neck cover)

Get a cap that is not too thick. You still want to feel some air in your head, at the same time, protect your face from the sun's heat. For the neck cover, I sometimes use it to protect my neck up to half of my face but this is optional.

Hydration backpack with enough water

For long runs, you need to have water with you all the time. You wouldn't want to be holding a water bottle of 1.5 to 2 liters while running. It's important to keep your hands free in case needed. I also bought my hydration backpack from Decathlon. It can actually store up to 2 liters in its water pack and can add two 500 ml bottles in the front pocket. It also includes a whistle in case needed during emergency situations. There are also pockets for your IDs, trail food and snacks, and other stuff that you would like to bring. Note that you would want to bring few things as possible. In my case, I only filled in the water pack up to 1.5 liters and only brought the items I mentioned here.

Protein bar (or just snicker snacks)

To be honest, I only brought 2 medium-sized snicker snacks in my hydration backpack. I think it is already enough as you only need a few sugar and carbohydrates to keep you going during the race.

Race bibs

This is essentially my entry number for the run. What is nice with the bib is that it provides the elevation of the trail for every 2 kilometers on an upside-down position. In this way, you can look to gauge the energy that you would exert along the trail and would know what elevation to expect during the race. This also includes your vouchers for the medal and goodies after the race.

Secondary identification (ID) card

My primary ID here in Thailand is my Philippine passport. I don't want to lose it. I can’t emphasize anymore how important it is. I highlighted secondary ID so that in case you'll accidentally lose it, it's not as heart-breaking as compared to your passport. I consider secondary IDs the following: professional licenses (e.g, PRC ID), driver's license, school ID/alumni ID, among others. Any IDs will do as long as they can serve as your identification for emergency purposes. You can also put a laminated card that details your emergency contact information.

In this pandemic, it is also required to show your vaccination cards for you to be eligible to join the race.

Smartwatch and phone

For the smartwatch, this is only optional. I wear my Garmin smartwatch almost daily to track my steps, stairs level, and other physical activities the watch can measure. In this race, I wanted to measure the total distance, my heart rate, pace, time spent, elevation (ascent), and estimated calories, among other factors.

On the other hand, I highly suggest bringing your phone for emergency purposes. At the same time, your phone can be your tracking device on your statistics for the run by downloading apps that can measure your results.

In case running for 20 kilometers and more:

Gloves and trail sticks

Some runners prefer to have gloves to avoid hand bruises or scratches. There are parts of the forest wherein you need to hold on to trees or big rocks to keep your balance. I prefer to feel these things as they are what I came for. But if the trail requires them for your safety, please grab one.

The trail sticks are commonly used for half-marathon (21 kilometers) and up. The elevation of this trail is higher than usual so a pair of trail sticks would greatly help your legs.



Image Source: Facebook page of Koh Tao Mountain Trail

Now that you have an idea of the preparation and things to bring during the run, let me share with you what transpired during the actual race and my take on what should be and should not be done.

  1. Don’t be late and be ready. Since our race gun start is at 6 A.M., we need to be at the starting line 30 minutes before the race and do warm-up exercises. I woke up at 3:30 A.M. to allow myself enough time to prepare the things I need to bring, to eat 1 banana, to ensure that my stomach is not full and I have fully performed the bowel movement - if you what I mean.

  2. Plan your run well. Just because you know you are running for 12 kilometers, you just need to run at the same pacing all throughout. Know that the trail run has elevation. In this run, I noticed from most elevations happen before we hit the even numbers in terms of kilometers. For example, if I am already at the 1.5-kilometer mark, I need to conserve my energy as I am approaching the high elevation on the 2nd kilometer. At the same time, I take advantage of downhills to go faster since it requires less energy.

  3. Drink water in a timely manner. Personally, I take a few sips of water at every kilometer mark enough to survive for the next kilometer. If I take too much, it will make me feel heavy while running. If I take less, I might get dehydrated. Just ensure that you take enough without compromising your water needs.

  4. Get yourself a personal pacer. In normal road runs, organizers have a vehicle running at a normal pace of the run required to finish the race on time. Runners go with this to make themselves ensure that they are still on time. For trail runs, it’s difficult to have a vehicle pacer. What I do is familiarize myself with the faces of runners I started with. I ensure that I am still running side-by-side with them. You don’t need to compete with them but just make yourself feel that you are still on track.

  5. Be attentive to the trail signs. Since runners are going inside forests, there are trail signs and markers to help runners follow a given path. Sometimes, there are no obvious pathways during the trail so it’s important to be attentive to these markers.

  6. Enjoy nature along the way. Trail runs are situated on mountains and other nature treks. You went to this event not only to run but also to be with nature. Enjoy every bit of it.

  7. Run as if you are the winner. Along the way, there are photographers hiding in the bushes to capture your run. In case you notice one, don’t stop and pose. Instead, give that photographer your runner look especially inside the forest and at the finish line. You will not regret doing this when your photos come out.

After I finished the run, it turned out that the distance I was running is 13.5 kilometers. I didn’t expect myself to conquer another mountain and finish a new train run record. Below are the statistics as per my smartwatch:

After the run relaxation

Well, after using up all my energy in the early morning and being under the sun for too long, my friends and I got ourselves a good 2-hour massage while enjoying the beach view. After all, we are on an island enjoying our vacation.

This is the resort we are staying with a good sunset view.

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