Exploring Amazing Spots and Freediving at Siquijor


Siquijor, also known as Isla del Fuego, is an island rich beautiful sceneries— from the mountains to the bottom of the ocean. This mystic island is located in the southern part of Central Visayas. Since Siquijor is a single island, one must take a ferry to be able to go there.

It was December last year when we went to Siquijor for Chiarra and my birthday bash. We did a weekend island tour with my SMS Fam which was amazing. We arrived on Saturday and Siquijor welcomed us with gloomy weather.

We hailed a cab called "Easy Ride" weeks before our trip so it is convenient for us to travel around the island. We were more than 10 so it would make sense for a cab rather than renting a scooter. Even with a not so good weather, we still continued our adventure.

Island Tour Begins

On our first day, we visited a few spots in Siquijor.

Lugnason Falls

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Lugnason Falls is located in the higher part of San Juan, Siquijor. It is a 5-meter waterfall with a large basin. It is also the end of a 12-tier waterfall in which each tier is named after the zodiac signs. It was not my first time to be in this waterfall but my friends were, and they didn't expect that it will be a mini-canyoneering slash river trekking adventure. HAHAHA! Nevertheless, everyone had fun while taking the splash of the ice cold water.

Old Enchanted Balete Tree


One should not miss the famous Old Enchanted Balete Tree when visiting Siquijor. It features a massive balete tree and a spring pond with fish. This spot is famous for its fish spa. We spent a few minutes after lunch at the spa. For those who haven't tried it, be prepared to be tickled by those tiny fishes. What's funny about it is that there are fish in the pond that is bigger than my foot. HAHAHA! Good thing, they didn't bite our toes because that would be murder HAHAHA!

Cambugahay Falls


After the fish had a feast on our feet, we went to another fall in Siquijor, which I think is the most famous of all. Cambugahay Falls features a 3-tier waterfall with a massive water basin and Gatorade-blue colored water. We didn't miss the chance to take the swing which was really fun!

Lazi Church

On our way back to our hostel, we dropped by the Lazi Church. San Isidro Labrador Parish is located at Lazi, Siquijor. It was founded in 1857 and is one of the oldest churches I have visited.

Since it was my friend's and my birthday, we lit up some candles and offered a thanksgiving prayer. What a beautiful way to spend our birthday!

Paliton Beach


We started our last day by having a quick visit to Paliton Beach. It is coined as the Boracay of Siquijor. It features powdery white sand. Due to the unpleasant weather in the past few days, the beach was full of debris and seaweeds. Because of that, we didn't take a dip, but instead, we spent some quirky moments with the famous "human drones" while swinging in between tall coconut trees.

Let me tell you some back story...

Going back to previous weeks of planning, my friends and I wanted to go to Siquijor for a trip. While we were planning on what spots to go to, I was really wanting to go to the dive site because of the barracuda fish. Most of my friends are not free divers by the way, but since it was my birthday, they added the marine sanctuary to the list. Thanks, guys! haha!

I was so worried that the free diving activity will not pursue due to the bad weather. But Thank GOD that the sun was out on our last day, meaning we can proceed! Yay!!

Tulapos Marine Sanctuary

After visiting Paliton Beach, our cab went directly to Tulapos Marine Sanctuary. It was I think an hour of land travel. When we arrived there, we were welcomed by their staff and their guide.

After securing guides, we pursued the diving activity. @ybanezkim26 and I brought our long fins so we didn't have to rent, while @thestrollingmind and some rented their gear. @mariasalve though didn't join us so she stayed in the cab like an aunchie. HAHAHA ngaway lage HAHAHA!

It was low tide so we had to walk for a few minutes to reach the underwater cliff. And there I was mindblown!!! My inner fish got so excited as I saw the amazing barracuda fish.

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Good thing my ears cooperated well in this free dive as it was able to equalize.

Words cannot express my happiness and excitement about the free dive. I had so much fun and I would say it is one of my best free dives so far (gamay paman sad kog naadtoan so sige nalang gud HAHAHAHA)

Watch the Full Vlog:

The Siquijor Weekend Trip ended and we had to catch the trip back to Cebu City. We took the ferry from Larena Port in Siquijor, then arrived at Santander, Cebu by 6 PM. Then we embarked on the last bus trip to Cebu City. We arrived home at around 12 midnight. What a weekend adventure! Kaya pa ba sa energy? HAHAHAHA

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