The Theatre of Marcellus - the 'other' colosseum in Rome - and 2009 year old open air theatre !

When we were in Rome a few weeks ago, I was surprised to find out there is 'another colosseum' ! I dont remember seeing it the last time we were there, but that was 15 years ago !


So this is actually the Theatre of Marcellus ! So its not a fighting arena like the colosseum, but you can see why it gets called the little colosseum, or referred to as the other one.


I was gob smacked when we past it on the tour bus. Its an open air theatre. Construction was completed on it in around 13 BC - so not bad for 2009 years old !


I love the 'modern' buildings that were added on top of it. This is the residence of the Orsini which was added in the 16th century, and it is still used for apartments. Imagine living in a 2000 year old apartment - I'm sold (but probably dont have the cash !).


The pic above shows it from the back, and how it has been incorporated into the newer residence, with the arch feature being used in the new residence which is cool. The theatre is on the right in the pic above.


And its an interesting place, as you can walk right by it, as it has a short-cut path that takes you over a few streets, right past some other Roman ruins, and the Portico d'Ottavia.


The portico is pretty cool too, although quite a ruin !


And there is another view - quite pretty !


And there are lots of other 'spare parts' left over right outside the theatre !


The theatre still gets used for some concerts. In the pic above you can see all the holes which would have been used to fix marble to the front aspect, so it would have been very pretty in its day - but that has been removed and used elsewhere over the years.


I was delighted to find this in Rome - its great to visit somewhere you have been before and stumble across something new !


It was thought to have held between 10,000 and 20000 people, so a fair size. And was in use for around 300 to 400 years - so pretty good going !

Well I was really impressed, and to think you can go and live there - mind blown !!! Living in a Roman building would be awesome ! Maybe someday !


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