Castle Stalker - A small 15th century castle on its own tiny island in Argyll Scotland

Castle Stalker lies of the west coast of Scotland in the county of Argyll. Its a small square keep that sits on a tiny island around 300m from the mainland. It is very picturesque and one of the most photographed castles in Scotland.


An original castle was built some time around 1320, with the current castle thought to date from the 1440s. The island it is on is in Loch Laich, which is a sea loch (and inlet from the sea) and hence it is tidal.


With it being tidal, you can walk out to it from the main land on a low spring tide, which I've done before.


It is a fairly small and compact castle, at about 4 stories high. It is privately owned, and habitable, although the owners dont live there full time.


Tours are organised once a day, with a private boat taking over 12 people at a time. I really must make an effort to do that as I'd love to see what it is like inside. In the pic above you can see a group of people out for the tour.


There is a lovely coastal walk on the mainland just by the castle. When we used to live in the area, we used to go there all the time, and just could not help taking pics of it. We must have 100s. Its such a lovely setting, and being in the sea with mountains in the distance makes for quite a setting.


There are rails both on the island the castle sits on, and on the shore by a slipway which would have been used by some form of industry in the past - possibly logging or quarrying, both of which are popular in the area. Above you case see our old dog, Buster, enjoying himself on the shore !


The pic above gives a good sense of size, fairly compact - but noting the size of the island, thats not too surprising !

Castle Stalker (2)small.jpg

I was surprised to read that it made an appearance in Monthy Python and the Holy Grail right at the end, and also in one of the Highlander films - thats pretty cool !

Castle Stalkersmall.jpg

On a clear day, with the mountains in the background it is quite impressive. There is a cafe by the main road on the mainland that is very popular with tourists as it gives a fantastic view out over the castle - its always busy whenever we pass - a proper little gold mine !


The picture above gives a decent perspective on how close it is to the mainland. Not that far at all, but enough to give it some mystique !


It is quite basic in construction, with just one turret. I love the stone arches built to take the weight above the window openings - showing the age of the construction.


The castle had been habited into the 19th century, however it fell into disrepair in around 1840. It was then restored over the 20th century when it was taken over by new owners.


I've walked by it many times, and driven by it many times more, and each time I pass, I cant help looking - I never get tired of the view !


I definitely must make the tour out to the island one day - I better add it to the list so that I dont forget !


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