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Palm trees, Sea-breeze, and the harmonic sound of waves...


Sharing you here another beach blog by #xoloveshoney

Natural therapy is all we need after an exhausted—draining events of life. So I just discovered a new place to me here in the southern part of Cebu called Casay Beach located at Dalaguete, Cebu. First—thing—first, if you are in a budget travel then this is a perfect place for you to visit because the entrance fee is only 50.00 and you don't have to worry about the parking area because the place is big enough for multiple vehicle. As for the distance, it will took you 3hrs drive from Cebu City to Dalaguete, it's kinda long-drive though but it'll worth it when you get there!


As I arrived to the said place, I was amazed by their tall palm trees and sugary—white sand that compliments with the blue shade color of the sea. I know that for some, it may look like a normal or typical beach set-up but it looks brand new to me because it is the wholesome of the place that makes it beautiful and unique.
Sometimes, I could even think of "what if I'll just stay here for good". it makes me forget all the happenings in life...
As we stood their, the waves began to swirl around our feet that is why friend and I keeps on balancing.It keeps us alive and delightful and we knew this is exactly where we belong.


The beauty of nature comes from different forms, it could be a human, an ocean, or gigantic mountains. There are a lot of gifts of nature that we can appreciate just like this sea-orchin, referring from its look, it is spikey and dangerous but it plays also an important role in our aquatic environment. You can literally observe its magical sense of beauty that covers the canvass of the earth. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to capture some moments I had while collecting shells along the shore and and making sandcastles together with my niece, it was fun for real.


So yeah! that's how it could be. And to add more on how I spent a day here, of course, it is to spend time with family and friends.Beachin' is fun together with your loved one's right? We had a lot of fun conversations and silly moments.As what the saying goes "it is not how luxurious the place is, but it is whom you are with while spending time with that place" it matters for real! and to capture those happy moments, we took a lot of pictures and videos for us to keep as our memorabilia and take note that stolen shots are the most authentic one.



All thanks to our group of friends because we able to prepare delicious food which is a perfect pair of this beach.Smokey—grilled bangus, Grilled—pork belly, and a bottle of Emperador is all we need and we're good to go. So what are you waiting for? dig in.


And of course, it will never be a perfect day without flattering beach poses.Hit a pose and take the stress away!I can even recall few times in my life when going to the beach can reduced my stress. There is one time maybe I can say a memorable times for the record when I was going through a difficult period in my life and I had decided to take a weekend trip to the nearest beach to clear my mind.That was one of the right decision I made so never ever think twice in valuing your mental health.




Out of curiosity, what's in the sea that makes us feel different? a different like it brings joy and the sea—breeze relaxes our mind and the salty—water calms our body and soul. As for me, maybe because that's how the nature works, it could be a gift from the universe for us to use in resetting our being.It may different from other's perspective and it vary in every person. And I think, it also has calming and rejuvenating effect on the soul.Moreover, the vast expanse of the ocean can all contribute to a sense of peace and relaxation. What's your catch about this?

"The sea, oh the sea
A canvas of endless blue
A place of endless mystery
A beauty that’s always new

With waves that crash and roll
The ocean’s endless song
A force that’s full of life
And strength that’s always strong

The sea, oh the sea
A treasure that we all share
A place of endless wonder
A beauty beyond compare

So let us all take time
To sit and watch the tide
And find peace and solace
In the beauty of the sea, so wide" — by: Duncan Klein

That's it! I'll see you on my next blog and I am glad that you made time to stay here.
— xoloveshoney