An Evening Trek to Anjani Mahadev: A Spiritual Journey in Solang Valley

In the last post you read that I was not active on hive for a long time because my mother was admitted in the hospital. After a long gap, I wrote a post 2 days ago in which I told about the journey from Delhi to Solang Valley. We went to Solang because I had to volunteer in a road race organized there. After reaching in the evening, we checked into the hotel and went on the track of the temple located about 2 km from here. Let me take you on this wonderful track.

There are many valleys in the Himalayas but Solang Valley is different. The height here is 2450 meters and here is located a temple where I definitely visit twice a year. The name of the temple is "Anjani Mahadev" which is located at an altitude of 2750 meters. If I count the last few years, then I must have visited this Hindu temple about 35-36 times.

This temple is located about 2 km from the main Solang Valley. Tourists can go here on foot, by horse and by ATV. We chose to go on foot as always. It had not been even an hour since we had arrived in the Himalayas and we were going to visit a magnificent temple on foot. As it was evening, the surrounding mountains looked very beautiful despite being covered in winter snow. Clouds were not flying in the valley and the walnut trees on the earth looked eager to embrace the clouds.

We were walking on a single track made of stone. While walking, we saw some horses which were going back down after dropping the riders to the temple. Here we could see a zip line in the sky on which a couple was seen running up and down in the air. Looking at them, I was wondering if this couple had taken an oath to live and die together? As we moved ahead, some paragliders were trying to go on a long journey with the setting sun. White and yellow flowers were blooming on the earth. Meaning everything here is alive and beautiful.

Moving ahead, we cross a small wooden bridge over the river coming from Anjani Mahadev and witness the waterfall falling from the mountain above this great temple amidst the fading rays of the sunset. There are a few tea shops before the temple where devotees can sit and enjoy this religious festivity. Before the temple, we take off our shoes and enter the temple premises. There are many stairs here which take us to the 'Anjani Shivling'. The water of the waterfall falls on the Shivling from a height of about 60 feet and proves its miracle.

In winters, the water falling drop by drop from this waterfall forms a Shivling of about 30 feet high from ice, which I have not had the good fortune of seeing till date. In future, I will try to see this amazing sight. We spend 15-20 minutes in front of the Shivling and start walking back before it gets dark. The sun has already set on the horizon, but the redness of the sun is still shining clearly on the forehead of the mountains.

We climb down the stairs, put on our shoes and start walking back. On the way we see the shopkeepers who are going to go back after closing their shops. The clouds have started moving on the mountain of Bhrigu lake in front and the cold wind is touching our cheeks and a tingling sensation is spreading in the whole body. Now the whole route is downhill, so we walk fast and reach our hotel in about 30 minutes.

So on this side today after a 12 hour road journey we start trekking directly. The weather here is very pleasant, the temperature is minimum 12 degrees and maximum 32 degrees. We are going to stay here for a few days and are going to contribute in the preparations of the event. I will keep giving you details of the further journey. Now I am leaving and will meet you in the next post, till then take care of yourself and stay happy.

Disclaimer: This post is originally written in Hindi and I have used Google Translator to tranlate the Hindi text in English. All the photos have been clicked by me from POCO F1 android smartphone and edited in Lightroom/photoshop.

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