Village tour & Some Photographs of Plants

Hello hive friend's

How are you all?

I took some photographs yesterday and I want to share will you all my hive friends. I hope you liked my photography, I was busy in previous time but now I thought why I could give some time to this amazing platform where thousands of people are posting their daily lives and routine life...

Here is I'm sharing own plant photo. It's looking bery beautiful with cool buds.

This is know as corn plants which is used in our food and its commonly used in the every place where humen lived.

These photographs I took while visiting on my village areas.

I growed home based egg plant

This is so cute little butterfly 🦋 looking pretty sitting there

This is amazing places in our village sides.I hope you all liked it and enjoy my photography. Thankyou If you appreciate my work write down in comments if you liked

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