Exploring the Beauty of RR Spring Resort in Bukidnon


It has been undeniably hot these last few days and we thought we might want to indulge ourselves into some cold water and spend my last few days here in Bukidnon exploring one of its mostly visited spring resort.

My friends and I decided to spend the day at RR Spring Resort so we rode a jeepney going there. It took us approximately twenty minutes to get to the place from Valencia, Bukidnon. On our way there, Bukidnon never really failed to offer us its beautiful green landscapes and mountains. I know that area was just a part of its amazing place but it has already given me enough of its beauty. However, I can't wait to explore the magnificent province of Bukidnon and all its wonders again when I come back here.

Moreso, when we arrived at Maramag, Bukidnon where the spring resort was located, I was in awe of its beauty. The place looked so peaceful and there were really a lot of sceneries we can suffice our eyes with.


Heading to the entrance of the resort were trees all around it and its sophisticated grounds that would really make you think the place was incredibly taken care of.

Right after we settled our entrance fees to the information desk personnel, we immediately headed towards the second entrance where all of the resort's leisure areas were located.


Inside the pool were several cottages and rooms anyone could spend the night with and there were also pool areas designated for adults and kids and a PWD room. There were also a Viking's Lake and a Pinetree park.


Before we went to the pools, we first put our belongings in the cottage that we rented and decided to explore the place. We then made our way to the pine tree park which was one of the most visited area of the resort aside from its pools.


We roamed around the park and took pictures in almost all of its corners and I just couldn't help but think how beautiful the place really was. There were lots of pinetrees all around. It was just sad that at this time, the pinetrees were not as green as they were before (according to my friend) because of the intense heat that the country had been experiencing. Nevertheless, the place was still gorgeous for me.



Beside the park is where the Viking's lake was located. There were a lot of activities anyone can do in that area. Sadly, we were not allowed to get inside since we need to have proper swimming attires but we only wore tshirt and shorts and none of us brought proper swimwear so we just watched the place from the outside since it was also enclosed in a fence.


However, we still had the chance to take a look at the marvellous view of the lake and the mountains behind it.

The place felt so cozy and every corner of it were all picture-perfect.


There was also a huge pond beside the park and a huge shoe. I don't know whose shoe that was but it could fit even our whole being inside it.


The sun has already been on its highest peak so we decided to stay in one of the huts beside the lake to enjoy the fresh air and talk about some random stuff while watching the beautiful views around us. The air beside the lake felt so refreshing that it almost freshened up the most emaciated part of our souls.



After we were done wandering around the sceneries inside the resort, we went back to our cottage and soaked ourselves in the water or on one of their pools.

It was by far the coldest pool I have ever dipped myself into. The moment my foot touched the surface of the water, it was freezing cold but I conquered it and just enjoyed swimming in the pool.

That moment was so relaxing and as the system of my body got used to its coldness, I was starting to indulge myself in it and forgot about the agony I felt few minutes ago.


And I guess that's just how life is supposed to be spent. You get fears and second thoughts in the beginning, but the moment you jump into something you thought was impossible to jump and got used to it, you learn to enjoy every moment with it and forget about the worries it offered you when you were still a little scared to try new things.

Anyway, I guess I'm getting a little deeper now so that was it for my day stay in this beautiful resort and I hope you enjoyed my journey as well. Au revoir!

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