Content hunting at Kursunlu, nature park in Antalya. Why did I hesitate to go there...

I knew there would be a chance to capture enough photos for at least one blog post over in Kursunlu, but the damn bus connection is so bad. What is probably 30 minute drive by car, takes one hour and half with public transport. Okey it is cheap, but you get what you pay for. Sweating my face of for almost two hours, I finally arrive to the park.

It is by no means what I've expected or hoped for. But don't give up on me just yet. I was hoping for some forgotten piece of forest, but instead I got a regulated park where I had to pay an entry fee. Let me tell you, knowing this beforehand, I would probably never even went there. And that would be a shame...

So I have folded my ears as one old saying goes and payed the entry fee of around one dollar. Damn it's cheap only once you realise the price in stronger currency. The whole place looks like an average forest until you reach the point of descent. Narrow paths takes you down towards the waterfall, which is actually the biggest tourist magnet in the whole facility. There are plenty of fish to look at, the water is crystal clear and even some ducks and tropical birds are to be seen, with an eye of an expert of course.

My aim was to go and capture some of its beauty with a drone but the light setup wasn't the greatest and didn't had much of a luck on that side of things.

But my phone didn't stayed idle in my pocket. I kept discovering new corners with yet another small waterfalls and amazing trees, like from the jungle, where I have never been...

Can you see that content hunter? With invention of steem/hive we have a new world to explore. Yes you can go for traditional hunt, you know, with a rifle and all that or you go hunting experiences with your camera. What a crazy world we live in. All us Hivers are actually already living on some kind of basic income or Metaverse money. Pretty dope right, but let's get back to my story. Up next is a plant tunel. It is a short, yet interesting set of paths leading me through the park and I start to feel like a Maugie from the King of the jungle...

After all, I was quite happy to visit this place even though it didn't stand up to the standard I was hoping for. Like not that touristy and developed, but than the question arose, how would the place look like without the "protection" it has. It would quite possibly be another river full of plastic waste...

All the best,

Global Local

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