generosesity blogs ep.1 │ HAPPY 8TH BIRTHDAY BABY COUSIN!

437701 = hello!
Four, three, seven, seven, one equal to hello!

It's me again! generosesity 💋
Welcome to the first episode of my blog which will feature the magical celebration of my baby cousin's 8th birthday!


A celebration of life and existence of my precious cousin with the family and a gift to her single mom 😍

I wonder if you also celebrate birthdays in swimming pools, beaches, and resorts. With regards to that, I want to share with you a secret (but not a secret anymore since I'll be sharing it with you haha). Did you know that my family saves for every birthdays of each of the members of the family? Hmmmm, I bet you also save money for gatherings like this! Speaking of saving, did you also know that these savings will go for the "handa" or preparation of the foods and other things needed for the birthday bash? Yes! I hear you, we celebrate birthdays magically!

The Birthday Girl everyone!
Of course, cakes and cupcakes are her favorite food of the day. I asked her why she told me that "cakes and cupcakes make me happy and energetic". Wow! I couldn't disagree. Cakes and cupcakes also make me happy and energetic.
With her mom 😘


Let me tell you something interesting about the birthday girl and her mom. Her mom raised her as a single parent. Her parents separated when she was still a baby. My mom and her mom are siblings, that is why my family and relatives are always there for them through thick and thin. It may be sad for some people to hear that her mom is the only one raising her, but she is really thankful to her mom for the gift of life and for providing all of her needs. Such a sad story for both parents but the child never felt sad in the arms of her mother.
Enough with that, let me make you happy with the next part 😉


Now guys, let me share with you our main dish 🤤 "Sinugba"
"Sinugba" is the term in our Cebuano dialect for grilled pork, chicken, or beef. "Sugba" is grilling, so when done grilling, it is already grilled or "sinugba" gets right? It is a yummy dish because my mom personally marinated it and she cooks so well!
I think you're wondering where did we celebrate her birthday? This place is just in our city. It is one of the most visited resorts in our town. Have you been here?
The Villa Teresita Resort!


Since the pandemic is still ongoing they only accommodate reservations and no walk-ins for the meantime. 100 pesos for adults or height above 4 ft. and 50 pesos for children and below 4 ft. They also have rooms which you can check-in at a very affordable price!
Sharing with you some of these mesmerizing views of the Villa!





Of course our photo archive (and my faces)









C U how did you read it? Is it si yu, se yo, or see you? I heard you said see you, well, see you on the next episode of my blog! Thank You!

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