Trip to the Vilnia

During my last visit to lithuania , I visited many places, one of the places which i find interesting is the " The Vilnia"..

The vilnia is a river which is located in Lithuania. It is near the village which is called Vindžiūnai, less than 10 km from the Lithuanian-Belarusian border. The Vilnia is said to be up to 79.6 km long and its basin is said to cover 624 sq. km....

Now while moving around the area where the river is located at , I saw some scriptures of mermaid around various building and I was wondering why , then I asked one of those who are from the town and they made me realize that some people come to the river to worship mermaids , they believe that there are some special mermaids at the river side and they believe that there is a spiritual connection going on and that they can always pray to the mermaid and their prayers will be answered...Who am I to say otherwise , spirituality is deeper than what I think.....

It is said that some even believe that mermaids at living inside that river and that they come out sometimes..
Anyways it was an interesting journey, getting to know the beliefs by others and getting to see life from another angle..

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