The Village of Batan - Tucked Away in The Anaga Mountain Range - Tenerife

Sadly we only found out about the village of Batan in the Anaga Mountain Range towards the end of our For91Days stay in Tenerife. Otherwise we would have come several times more. It's extremely picturesque - it's offering a lovely, rather short, hiking loop - which leads you from the town down to the bottom of the Valley. Passing terrace - cute houses and caves before you hike up again.

Batan was known for its linen production - which explains these freight gondolas around in the area. I couldn't stop imagining sitting in this little cage thing, while filming - floating over the valleys. This would have been such an adventure and I'm sure the footage would have come out so smooth and stunning.

Read all about our For91days on Tenerife on our Travel Blog:.

This video was recorded with this camera. (Affiliate Link)

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