A day of adventures and friends.

A few days ago, my friends and I we planned a weekend getaway away from the city and everyday life, to get away from the daily stress. The idea of visiting the Viñales Caves and enjoying a disconnection in the middle of nature seemed ideal. The preparations began on Thursday night. We assembled our backpacks, chose the most comfortable clothes for hiking and bought supplies for our stay. Very early on Saturday, we left by car and set off for Viñales, a mountain village located in the Sierra de los Órganos (if you follow me you will already know, I have several posts about the place).

We arrived in Viñales around 9:00 am and headed directly to the park, a place we took as a reference to meet since two of us went to buy some supplies that we were missing; once we were all together, the adventure began to enjoy a day in nature.

First we set off towards the Cueva de La Vaca, an old acquaintance already for us, it is not the first time we visited it, but this time more than for the adventure itself, we also visited it because it was necessary to pass through it to continue towards our real goal, "Note: It is not mandatory on the route, but it makes it more fun." (Here I leave you a link with the route, from the town of viñales. in case you are interested in visiting the place.)

Once we took a break and several photos, as it could not be otherwise; we continued our way. After passing the cave began the descent, not that it was dangerous or much less but if something exciting, so to speak; finished the descent we continued the march towards the cave Del Palmarito, I must confess that at this point we were already lost hahaha, not seriously is that it was the first time we went to the place so there was nothing left to do but ask the locals for the best route to get there, in my opinion that made it more fun because we did not know when we would arrive or what to expect. In the end after several trails and questions we arrived at our destination La Cueva Del Palmarito, the first impression was a little disappointing the truth is that we had been told that there were some very good natural lagoons to take a dip, but we had not realized that at the time of our trip was dry season, and the beautiful lagoons were nothing more than some puddles.

But we did not get upset because this situation allowed us to explore the cave without problems, so: we took a break and ate something, because the truth is that we were already quite hungry. Once we rested what we ate we set out to explore the cave, the first impression was a strong thermal shock, as we were walking under a fairly strong sun and the cave is quite cold and wet, but without further ado we went into the bowels of the cave equipped with the flashlights of our phones and my camera that really did not help much because of the darkness of the place. At least 300 meters away we stopped our march due to a lake inside the cave that prevented us from continuing our march; but it gave us a moment of silence and total darkness, which was really quite relaxing.

When we left the cave we sat down to enjoy nature and disconnect for a while; because at this point we were quite tired, but happy, we returned to the village and had dinner watching the valley of Viñales while the sun was saying goodbye to the day. We had accomplished our goal of disconnecting and enjoying unforgettable moments together. It was undoubtedly a wonderful trip that reaffirmed the friendship between us.

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