RE: A Bridge You've Probably Seen Before And Other Stuff You've Probably Seen Too With A Bonus Clip That's Hard To Watch

Yeah dude I spent 10 years off and on in Boyes Hot Springs (3 miles north of Sonoma) growing weed and a year in Santa Rosa farming A2 A2 Jersey cows.

Pura is sounding more and more like a really awesome woman! San Francisco and wine country roots? Good choice putting a ring on that finger!

I also worked at McCune Audio, the worlds oldest audio rental warehouse in South City. The sewer system blew up while I was out there...

It took 4 hours on average to get home at 5pm, a 40 mile drive...

The bay area did trip me out though or at least driving into SF on the 101 in the mornings. 90 year old women would be driving past ya in Porsches going 100 miles per hour driving like Dale Earnhardt and not even swerving. No where else have I seen such a thing.

I would hang out at Caffe Trieste near Washington square and even squatted over at Coit tower in '08 when I first lived there.

I wonder if Pura's great grand mother was the one who would gently pass me up at 100mph going into SF in the mornings...

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