RE: Each Hashtag Could've Been A One Word Title Instead You Got This

Yeah dude! I have tried disc golf. Ran into a brother about 20 years ago on a job site who told me about it. His exact words were, "you can drink beer, smoke weed, whatever you want.... my kinda game."

Ima release another one as soon as I can to get this fuckin thing buried and behind me, keep an eye out, it's comin. I edited it so many times trying to fix it and it's a wrap.. I'm stuck with it now. Proof right in front of me that it doesn't matter how much energy I dump into these, I can spend two days on something just to watch it get ruined in two seconds.

Funny.. I've been working on a replacement article since I woke up and haven't even check my wallets yet. Looks like it's shitty all over the place, not just my cover image fail.

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1 column