Memoirs of a Camping Trip with Colleagues at Camp Forrest

Hello there, Hive friends!

These past two months have been a roller coaster ride of emotions. There have been moments of happiness, sadness, worry, and gratitude all at once. However, my gratitude has exceeded all. I am grateful because I have chosen a path that I know will bring me happiness and fulfillment. Grateful for the company of the right people. Grateful for the good choices I have made. Grateful for His continuous blessings upon me.

From Office to Outdoors!

This camp that happened three weeks ago was a much-needed break for my chaotic mind. Fortunately, the timing of this camp was perfect, at least for me. I'm excited to share this unforgettable camping experience with you here!

This was planned back in the 3rd week of February. Many of us in the team still had accrued leaves at work that we needed to use, which were expiring in the first week of April.

So, @mariasalve initiated the plan and suggested a Friday date instead of a weekend, as there would likely be fewer campers during that time. The rest of us confirmed our availability for the trip to Camp Forrest, located in Sitio Kamansi, Brgy. Mabini, Cebu City. We discussed necessities such as the entrance fee, food menu, budget, transportation, and items to bring, among other things.

For more information about the campsite, visit their FB Page!

Fast forward to the scheduled date: March 15th to 16th.

I, along with Vann, Madam, @mariasalve, and Kuya James, met at Ayala Center Terminal to catch a bus to Brgy. Guba for Php 47 each. Upon arriving at Brgy. Guba, we took a motorbike taxi with a fare of Php 50 each.

Upon arriving at the campsite, we signed our names in their logbook and then proceeded to where we found Kuya Eggy and Dodong. They were the first ones to arrive at the campsite and had brought with them the other food and items assigned to them.

We took some time to enjoy the view, and shortly after, we all pitched our tents together to organize our belongings inside.

Just look at how beautiful the view is. This truly is an ideal getaway from work and city life, don't you think?

CAPTION HEREa blurry cooking show😂

An hour later, others arrived, and we began preparing for dinner. We had plenty of food ready. Everyone was starving and dove right in after we blessed the food. I'm not sure if anyone took a photo of the food at that moment because I, for one, just dug in and started eating right away. Pretty obvious, huh?

After dinner, everyone stayed at the table. We had a few drinks, talked, laughed, and simply enjoyed each other's company. My stomach was hurting from non-stop laughter, and my jaw even felt like it was locking up from all the "HAHAHAHAHA". Some of us were getting a bit tipsy and loud, like @katiemeow. I couldn't help but laugh out loud; they were hilarious discussing various topics. But yes, we also had some serious conversations, believe it or not.

Around 2 am, I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. They were shutting down on their own. So, I decided to get inside to my tent, along with @mariasalve and @katiemeow. The others were still going strong, determined to finish the bottle. I think they finished up around 3 am or 4 am.

My sleep was so deep that I ended up not waking up early as planned to catch the sunrise. Oh well, forget about it. Around 7 am, I finally woke up, freshened up, and enjoyed a cup of coffee while soaking in the morning breeze.

Meanwhile, others were still deep in dreamland, with one person in particular snoring loudly in his hammock. Let's just call him "Ted".

And there's Ate Cat, still plugged into her laptop since last night, pulling a night shift right here in the wilderness. This camping trip just turned into a 'workation' for her.

Breakfast Time!

Just look at how beautiful and delicious our food is. A big thank you to our cooks! My tummy was happily full!"

After enjoying our breakfast, we cleaned up. Since check-out was at 12 pm, we needed to prepare, pack our belongings, and ensure we left no trace of our presence. The area should be as clean as it was before we used it. That's what responsible campers do.

Heading back to the city!

I'm confused, was really Madam going home or going to the beach?

Anyway, we hopped on a motorbike taxi outside the campsite, paying Php 100 each, to get to Pit-os. Then, we grabbed a jeepney back to the city, and I paid Php 25 for the ride to my place.

This camp made me realize how fortunate I am to have these people in my life, not just as colleagues but as pillars in my career journey. They are more than just workmates; they are great companions in this journey called LIFE.

Thank you for reading, Hivers!

Always remember to enjoy and explore life!


Hello there! I'm Danah, a Marketing Services Associate by profession. I'm an adventurous person, always seeking to discover new experiences and extract valuable life lessons from each of them. I'm passionate about dancing and performing on stages in front of the crowd. I thrive on exploring the great outdoors and capturing memories.

Join me on my adventures by reading and supporting my blogs. Don't forget to follow, upvote, and leave a comment to share your thoughts. Get in touch through my PeakD, YouTube, or Instagram. 🤍

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