A medieval trip to Chancay Castle - Lima, Perú

Hello readers! I want to share with you this tour taken in Chancay Castle. This castle is located in the province of Huaral, in the city of Lima, Peru. When you visit, you can take a guided tour or explore on your own. This time we decided to take the group tour that included accommodation in one of the castle rooms.

During the tour, there are several characterized characters who interact with people, performing trivia or small challenges.
Then you are guided through each of the rooms of the castle that are divided by continents, highlighting each one of its main attractions.

The guides at some stations provide additional information about the creation of the castle, its renovations, the history of its owners and how it changed over the years until it became a tourist attraction.

In addition, it has small museums full of eye-catching artifacts, beautiful paintings and some somewhat disturbing objects.

At the end of the tour you can choose between visiting the house of terror or dressing up as a medieval character.
They also have a variety of drinks and typical foods to taste whenever you want.

The architecture in general in each space is wonderful and although there are some in maintenance, the experience, whether guided or on your own, is something that is completely worth it.

In addition, you have all the time in the world to take the photos you want or do the activity you want: mechanical games, photos with trained birds or simply rest a little in the rooms.

I share with you some of the photos I was able to take during the tour, although they do not reflect the entire experience. I hope to return and share with you more details of this experience that I fully recommend.

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