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New Hampshire Mountain Photography

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share another edition of the photography we took this weekend but this one focuses on the great Mountain View’s we had!

This is my first official pinning of Pinmaple location so please let me know if I did it right! I put it between the picture below and the hive divider @pinmaple I only tag so you help me make sure, thanks!

Old Appalachia

This is one of the cool areas of the New England region. We’ve got a lot of great things for sure but the mountains are one of my favorites. They have a lot of activity with people biking and stuff but they are also very calm and tranquil at the same time. This section is an area that we normally go snowboarding in during the winter. I’ve actually never seen the area without snow so that was cool to see. The mountain here is called Loon and it’s one of the more popular spots to get some riding and skiing in. It took me a minute to realize I was looking at one of the sides of the mountain! I’m used to it having the chair lifts and stuff going but not at this point. With how chilly it’s gotten here recently I think we might be seeing some snow on the trails before we get into November!

I think this is one of my favorite pictures from the day. I love the spot we were in here and I didn’t even recognize it at first! My wife’s friend is the one who suggested it and when I realized it I was like whoa! What a cool overlook.

The local area has done some work to make the place look a lot different but I think it works out perfectly. The nice open grass area is a big hang out spot in the summer apparently because the river right there is very easy to get in and out of plus there’s a little rapids there for the more adventurous of the groups.

I really enjoy the look of the red roofs you can see above the trees. I don’t know why but I always associate these roofs with New Hampshire. Not sure if they are known for it or something.

The big bend in the river is also nice, not sure if that is natural or man made but I enjoy it nonetheless.

The mountains in the background rolling away in that blue fade top it off. Sorry if I got into too much detail here but I enjoy taking these types of pictures lol.

This is another view of the mountain, Loon. I like the way the sun hits it here. All day there were scattered clouds so it was splitting the terrain a lot.

This was part of the view from the back deck of the condo. It was pretty nice being able to look out at such nice mountains!

This is the other half of the view. It was nice that the clouds cleared up soon after we got there but the next picture after this was pretty cool and dramatic.

When we drove up there were so many cool, clearing clouds all over the place. They were moving really fast across the mountains it looked awesome but once we drove up you couldn’t really see them any longer it was sad but off the back porch it did look like this for a bit. The cleared out picture was taken maybe 10 minutes after this one so I got lucky that I was there to capture it before it rolled away!

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