The Italy Dream - chapter four - The Drive To Italy

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Dear Pinmapple and Travelling Friends,

This is CHAPTER FOUR of my spoken book - a non-written story in 17 chapters - of how I came to my magical Italian Arthouse - on a mostly non-existent budget, and surmounting myriad challenges internally and externally - and following the signs.

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I speak to how it was to immerse myself in a random, semi-abandoned medieval quarter and the rural culture of south Italy - and the explosion of house-hunting that our TV show seeded... How everything blew up in drama and controversy... and then settled down beautifully, into La Vita Agrodolce - and then, eventually, how it all healed into the thriving natural life I now Am Living...

This chapter speaks to the journey by car and ferry from Scotland to Italy; packing up and setting off, with all my possessions and my wee blind cat, for a new life which I was totally unprepared for!

For now, click to listen on Spotify - or on the Fountain podcasting platform

This story is being published on Spotify for Podcasters, as well as my ⁠Patreon⁠⁠⁠ : you can download the mp3 file attached to the Patreon post. The first 3 chapters are on ⁠⁠the ⁠Hive blockchain, but I'm not able to access Aureal podcasting today.

All Rights Embodied And Living - None Ceded,
In Sovereignty,



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