Visiting a Traditional homestead in Kochi ( Kerala ) , Art & Music & Culture

Hey everybody. Hope you are doing well.

Recently one of my friends invited me and a couple others to his traditional home in thiruvankulam (kochi) . Also know as a Naalukettu.

These types of building are typically found in Kerala .It has a rectangular structure where four halls are joined with a central courtyard . also known as "nadumuttam " .

There was a lot of culture and history in this house. It was where his grandparents lived & also where my friend spent his childhood .
Its now converted into an a place for ayurvedic practices .
Ayurveda is an alternative medicine system with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent.
As soon as i entered the place what struck me most was the captivating smell of all the ayurvedic herbs . They grown the herbs in the compound and then use it for making oils and medicines .

The Backside of the compound had some really beautiful mural art .

There are many interesting things about this place . My told there are multiple Sarpa Kavu
around his house . Its is a natural sacred space seen near traditional homes in Kerala .Its is believed to be inhabited by snakes, and the area usually contains a representation of Naga Raja (King of the Snakes) . This is a place where offerings and rites are performed during ceremonies . And i didnt take any photos of this site because its a sacred place .

Then We all had some really good conversation about art , culture and music . And just went on to jam something with our instruments.
My friend Vishnu who is an great musician and percussionist had brought his Ghatam . Its a Pot-shaped Indian percussion instrument .

It has very interesting sound to it . And My other friend had brought his violin also . It was a melodious jam that we had .
here is a small clip of it .

The whole place had a calming energy to it. It was very quiet and you could hear all the sounds of the forest nearby . It was a beautiful experience .
Thanks for stopping by . I hope you enjoyed this blog as much as I enjoyed exploring it . See ya soon

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