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A "Cheat" Climb to the Breathtaking ATABAY PEAK!

I never thought climbs have “cheat” too. I always enjoyed following the trail or even making my own or venturing off the beaten path just to get to a summit and enjoy the fulfilling and panoramic view on top. Well yeah, I admit that there have been times that I imagined and thought of a mountain that I could possibly be on top of in an instant without the physical exertion. Haha. These times are the times that my legs felt tired and numb due to the climb and there’s no other way that I could motivate myself but to transport myself and be on the peak in an instant. “Ting!”. Little did I know this was possible. Atabay Peak made this possible!


Feeling that sweat, the adrenaline rush as I have my uphill climb, the excitement on every turn of the path, all of these, unfortunately, were absent when one climbs the Atabay peak via its back trail. (Awww not a trail after all).


So if you are a beginner, this virtual cheat climb is for you, and if you are a professional mountaineer, may this view entertain and relax you (if you haven’t climbed this weekend).
Let’s go! Taraaa!



A majestic boulder perched atop the highlands of Tuburan is the famous Atabay Peak of the town. This peak has attracted plenty of tourists because of its easy access and a very chill, and short ascent going up yet offers undeniably breathtaking panoramic views.



Basically, Atabay Peak has a lenghty and winding trail if one traverses along the foot of the mountains and passes through the captivating Marmol Cliff. According to the locals, if we will trek from the Marmol Cliff we will pass forest and lush greeneries going to the peak! This always excites me, however, I wasn’t given the chance to trek it for real due to the fact that every time I visit this peak, we always bring motorbikes with us and we always end up agreeing “Okay we will just ride going up to the hill, and take the back and easy route going to the peak, We will just trek next time!” which is a smart choice! Haha! Now I realized how genius are those people who created and invented the shortcuts to anything. (salute!)

And so here I am again, for the nth time, climbing Atabay Peak via its back trail! Eeey!😁



A 10-minute climb!

You read it right, reaching the beautiful summit of Atabay peak would only get 10 minutes of climb (maybe 5 minutes for a faster pace).


We were a group of 9 when we last explored Atabay, three of us were doing our regular treks and hikes while the rest were not into trekking and climbing. Fortunately, this climb is for them!


After we parked our motorbikes beside the small “sari-sari” store at the the jump-off area, we first bought some snacks and food for us to share. It was almost lunch at that time and I could hear my stomach growling.


The sun was beating hot when we started our ascent. There were questions on their faces if the climb was truly that short and quick. I guaranteed everyone that the climb was just like a walk in the park and would only take more or less than 10 minutes!



Though the climb was short, we were still entertained by the green grasses that we passed by. It was steep but an established path made our walk easier and safe. The presence of the tall trees and rocks also made our climb relaxing.



After 10 minutes . . , Viola! We reached the Peak of Atabay!


I know that each of us wanted to stand on the peak and soak ourselves in the spectacular panoramic view of Atabay Peak but we chose to indulge in our quick lunch first! While nature can fill our eyes and our senses it is much better to appreciate all of these when our stomach is full! Right?



The Breathtaking View of Atabay Peak!

I still could feel the shivers down my spine every time I stood on the summit of Atabay! My eyes just couldn’t fix in one direction or scene because everything was just so lovely and stunning!


The experience of standing on the summit of Atabay still sends shivers down my spine! My eyes were constantly drawn in every direction, captivated by the sheer loveliness and stunning beauty that surrounded me.


The long stretch of the green mountains surrounding the Peak is just simply awe-inspiring! Some mountains appeared green while others appeared darker! It’s freaking amazing shades of green that converges to create a horizon of the beautiful blue sky!




If one looks below, one will have a view of the green vegetation covering the land. There are mango trees that look like green cotton balls from above. (Oh, is there a green cotton ball? Haha!)





Above is the lovely and radiant blue sky perfectly balancing the green view. It was perfect sunny weather that day which only made the whole view before my eyes radiantly beautiful!


That brainy rock formation!

I don’t know if it’s just me, but the rock formation of Atabay Peak resembles that of a physical feature of a human brain. It looked like a wrinkled and folded cerebral cortex. Hehe. The feature of the peak is unique and an art itself made by the weather over time, I guess. Because the one in Licos Peak is like this too!





They are not sharp, they aren’t slippery either but they are beautifully designed.

The curves and edges of the rocks look like brain stems that divide them into hemispheres. Oh wait, Is it only me seeing this?




Here I think, I am sitting on the left side of the frontal lobe. Relaxing and enjoying the view. Haha


I found it fascinating now how Atabay Peak made me review the parts of the brain and its features. And this, I believe, is one of the powers of nature. Its beauty has the ability to bring someone to the other side of the world but also even to the deepest corner of our thoughts!

How about you, what do you think?

That's it for our Cheat Climb at Atabay Peak. Thank you so much for reading!I wish you all safe and well always.😎

Don't forget to 😍😊 more often!


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📚She is a public school Teacher on weekdays, a Jill of all trades on weekends, outdoorsy on holidays, a mother, and a blogger in between. 😉

🍃She's in love with nature and the simple life of the countryside. As a lifelong learner, as she is, she is attracted to learning opportunities and growth.

❤️Join her as she shares life's simple joy and its beauty through traveling,exploring nature, the wonders of creating things through some of her DIY, the good things about countryside life, a glimpse of being a Public School Teacher, and more!

If her content makes your heart smile, please leave an upvote, comment, or reblog.🤗


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