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visit the Cut Nyak Meutia House


On the fourth day (13/6/2024), the last day in the field before returning to Banda Aceh, the expedition team 'Research on various decorative arts of traditional architecture in Pidie district', again visited mosques and meunasah tuha in several areas in Pidie district.
Converting what appears to the eye into data is not an easy job. Long sighs began to be heard. Unlike what we thought, it turns out that the treasures of traditional Pidie architecture and the variety of decorative arts that surround them cannot be recorded in just a few days. According to temporary observations, the team has only succeeded in documenting 15% of field data regarding architectural patterns and decorative arts of ancient public buildings, consisting of, Mosques; Dayah; Meunasah; Hall; and Grave Protection Buildings, which are spread throughout Pidie Regency.




There is a lot of history in Aceh that we need to learn about and visit in person so we can remember the stories and history of the heroes who once fought for this country.
My trip with my family can also stop at several museums and magnificent historical buildings, of course this can really make my family happy at all times.




The house of the Acehnese heroine, Cut Meutia, was one of our visits with the family to be able to see firsthand the condition and comfort of the house which has a lot of impressions and history for the people of Aceh themselves.

It's really fun, because we can travel today, and can add our own insight into each history,

Thank you