Ravenna in light: the Basilica of San Vitale in an amazing game of lights


Ravenna is my city, I have been living here for almost 15 years. It is a city full of history, since it was the capital city of the Western Roman Empire from 402 until the empire collapsed in 476. It then served as the capital of the Ostrogothic Kingdom until it was re-conquered in 540 by the Byzantine Empire.
It is also the grave of one of the greatest poets of Middle ages, Dante Alighieri, that after being exiled from Florence, decided to move to Ravenna where he died on 14 September 1321, aged about 56.

Among the great historical buildings of the city (that has 8 buildings which are inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List), one of my favorites is the Basilica of San Vitale.


It is an important surviving example of early Christian Byzantine art and architecture. The interior is amazingly decorated with mosaics (which is a distinctive characteristics of Ravenna and its historical buildings).

The event that I am describing in this post was an initiative of the Comune di Ravenna, in order to enhance the building and to try to describe it through an amazing videomapping technique which allows the viewers to see the building interiors also from the outside.


This was done through a set of projector positioned al around the building and programmed in order to create this amazing 3D effect.





I was really mesmerized by this show, and I hope that it will be proposed again in the future, since it is also a great way to educate the new generations about history, architecture and art.

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