Jeulikat Reservoir Park is one of the most beautiful parks in Indonesia

Hi beloved Pinmapple Travel friends šŸ

Today my good friend and I decided to take another afternoon walk to Jeulikat Reservoir Park which we have visited before, but the spot we will explore today is the most iconic spot which is the center of attention of every tourist who visits this park, the location of the Park Jeulikat Reservoir itself is located in Jeulikat Village, Blang Mangat District, Lhokseumawe City, Aceh, Indonesia.

After 30 minutes of traveling by motorbike, we have finally arrived back at Jeulikat Reservoir Park, this park has a very large area so that I can explore many beautiful spots in this park, the spot we visited today is the beautiful stairs in make it right in the middle of the park.

This staircase connects directly between the reservoir and the highland part of this park. This park looks very aesthetic because it is surrounded by ornamental plants and very clean green grass.

The banister is made to resemble wood so that the stairs look more aesthetic. Taking photos on these stairs is a mandatory ritual for everyone who visits Jeulikat Reservoir Park.

After following the stairs, I saw that there was a round seat made using cement. In terms of design, this seat looks like a cut log. There is also a small hall where visitors like us can relax.

On the edge of the reservoir we found a giant turtle, at first I thought this turtle was alive, when we approached it it turned out it was just a turtle statue, with its funny behavior my friend immediately climbed onto this turtle statue to pose in a funny style when in the photo, hehehe.

Here there is also a boat made of concrete, looking at the reservoir from here it looks very beautiful with a suspension bridge far away.

I also saw several types of beautiful flowers in this garden, the white flowers that I saw looked very impressive, as did the yellow flowers that grew along the garden walls.

While walking around the park, I found another beautiful spot here, namely a large staircase made using black and white ceramics. This beautiful staircase is also the most iconic photo spot in this park.

Near these stairs there is also an outdoor cafe which looks very aesthetic and gives a very beautiful impression because it is surrounded by fresh green plants.

The main building of this cafe is also made using wood in the shape of a conical wooden house which makes this cafe look even more aesthetic.

In this park there is also a Musalla which is made with minimalist and beautiful architecture. Here there is also a tall tower which is made to look like a lighthouse off the coast.

Beside the Musalla there is a beautiful flower garden with a small hall in the middle. This small hall looks like it has been covered with spreading ornamental plants which make the view of the hall even more beautiful.

Seeing the garden with various types of trees which are very beautiful and natural here makes me feel like I am in a very peaceful Garden of Heaven, the air here also feels very fresh which makes the impression of comfort here increase even more.

After going to this garden, I really didn't want to go home because my mood felt very peaceful in this paradise garden.

After 1 hour in the park this afternoon, we finally decided to go home after it was really getting dark.

This is my travel story today, see you in my next travel story.

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ModelSamsung Galaxy A33
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