Reminiscing The Past At Plaza Independencia, Cebu City, Philippines

"Everyone had a lot of stories created or unexpected to happen but coming back to the place can make us smile and realize that those things were just a memory where we recollected our contentment or the misery that made us learn into experiences."
- annetimistic

Hello, I'm here again to share the famous site in Cebu City which is the Plaza Independencia. I went there because I went to my Graduate School to inquire about an update on their new curriculum. I was happy to hear that I could still proceed to the comprehensive exam because I only had one subject left. They said that even though they have their new curriculum, the old student can still continue their old curriculum. Afterward, I did some sightseeing because I missed the place that I used to go as a college student.


History of Plaza Independencia:

Plaza Independencia is the place that symbolizes the freedom of Cebuanos from the colonizers who planned to take the island of Cebu. Plaza de Armas was named during the 17th century and then, it was named next to Plaza Mayor. The people had their marching in the Plaza during that time when there were colonizers.


Plaza Independencia is the most visited place in Cebu City. Many students go there to relax, study, or practice drama or dancing. Some couples go there for a date. Some do a picnic with family. Others do sightseeing and to take pictures for their social media or for memory keeps. Some have family bonding, they bring their own food and drinks. What's an advantage going there is having a wide area. It can accommodate a lot of people.

Plaza Independencia is famous for tourists, especially Koreans, Japanese and Chinese. They have tour guides who are Filipinos or foreigners who knows well in Cebu.

By any chance, there is Fort San Pedro inside the plaza and it is nearby with the Cebu Museum. Fort San Pedro has an entrance but it is affordable. That's why a lot of tourists go there. Additionally, it is near the port terminal as well. So, it is easy to access by the tourists.

Students practice their dance presentations in this area. Some are practicing for Sinulog Festival for the devotion of Senior Santo Niño every fiesta in January.


My Experiences

Plaza Independencia is a place where I took a rest if I had a break time from my classes. I studied my notes there for the coming examination or quiz. I used to sat under the tree with bushes around. Sometimes, I sat on the park bench. We also went there to have practice in our dance or drama presentation in the subject of History and MAPEH. It was a great fun together with your classmates practicing hard for the better grades.

The people can do exercises they want either zumba, jogging or walking.







Awareness of everyone:

  • Always be careful from robbery. It's better not to wear your jewelries around in the Plaza.

  • Your bag must be place in your front not in the back.

  • Never talk to strangers around.

  • Don't place all your money in your bag. Put some money in your socks or shoes or your underwear if there is little pocket inside. In that case, you have extra money when something happens. Still, you can go home and have some money for public transportation.

I had heard a rumor that there was a person who lost everything she had in Cebu City. She had difficulty on how to go home because all her money was took by the robbery. However,it is unlucky when they have knife and kill you when they hardly get your belongings. Not just that, there are some cases that women got raped at night and killed them due to drug addiction.

Therefore, never go at the Plaza Independencia or any streets in Cebu City during night time to avoid from bad people.



  • There is Fort San Pedro inside the Plaza Independencia.
  • There are benches around the Plaza.
  • The area can accommodate a lot of people.
  • There are many trees around as your shield when it's too hot.
  • There are monuments inside the plaza.

This is the screenshot location of Plaza Independencia from Google map.

Location:Cebu City, Philippines.

How to go there?

  • From Mactan International Airport, just take a taxi especially if it's your first time or a tour guide of the hotel that you're staying.
  • It takes 30 minutes -1 hour going there. If it is heavy traffic,it takes more than 1 hour from the airport.
  • From port, just take a taxi or small bus going to colon but I recommend to take a taxi to avoid from bad people.

Note:Don't forget to ask the bus conductor before getting in.

I recommend to have a tour guide from hotel you’re staying if you're unfamiliar with the place because safety is necessary.

Note:Beware of the strangers around for safety.

Thank you for taking time reading my blog.

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