Post #7 Gap Year - Tres Oches Homún Cenote.. Mexico!

Hi everyone!

Today I am pleased to show you my trip to the cenotes of Homún in the beautiful state of Yucatán!
What are cenotes? I admit my ignorance and before arriving in Mexico I was completely unaware of their existence.

Cenotes are natural and typical of Mexico and some regions of Central America. They are natural wells or cavities that are discovered either naturally when the ground collapses or through human action. They are freshwater and have a pleasant temperature. Their size is variable, as is the opening towards the sky and the vegetation that surrounds them.

More cenotes could be open in Homún, however, speaking to a tour guide, he said that they are tourist attractions that still have a maintenance cost and therefore their opening is controlled to the exclusion of natural events.

To reach the cenotes I left from Mérida via the comfortable and economical vans, called colectivos, that I am using to move around Mexico. The station in Mérida is between roads 52 and 63. I found the station signs very characteristic.

Once you arrive in Homún the city is very nice and quiet... actually too quiet! Almost all the people in this town live from cenote tourism and therefore the city is really deserted!

To reach the cenotes you need to travel by motorbike taxi.

And here we are at the Tres Oches, where I visited three cenotes. The first cenote is really large and you can jump into the water from a height of 4 meters and instead the water is 8 meters deep. Jumping from this height was an incredible experience and I couldn't remember the last time I did it!

One aspect that I really liked is that there is a lot of vegetation around the cenote and it is also very beautiful to see how the plants exploit the same source of water to feed themselves.

I took the following photo from bottom to top to be able to show you the entire width of the cenote.

Here we are at the second cenote... there is a long staircase that leads to a very nice pool of water. There is also a cave where it goes deeper than the cenote and you can touch the sand.

To return to Homún and take the van back to Mérida I took the motorbike taxi:

...and this is me on the ride.

Thank you so much for reading my article! I wish you a good day!

Text and photos are by @andr3a1sm !

P.s. this is the link to my article about Holbox!

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