Postcard-like Beach in Albania! | and I'm gonna go on my first Rainbow Gathering <3

No, this is not the Maldives. It’s indeed an Albanian beach!
No, this is not the Maldives. It's indeed an Albanian beach!

We've spent the last days at this awesome beach a little South of Vlores!

My parents had found the spot and have been staying there for a few nights already before me and my man arrived.

At first we just wanted to stay for a coffee and then drive on, because we already had another place in mind, but we ended up staying for three nights ^^

This beach really looks like a postcard picture, white sand and stones, clear blue and turquoise water. And because the tourist season is already over (don't ask me why) we had this place almost to ourselves :)

At the moment you can still just park your car directly at the beach at the side of the dirt road that leads to it. But we could already imagine what this place would look like in the not so far future. 

There was a lot of building going on and huge trucks full of material driving by now and then. 

I guess in a few years it won't be that easy anymore because of more and more hotels, apartment buildings and tourists.

But for now we can still enjoy the place and the great privilege of having it to ourselves :)

Lots of new tourist homes being built at a lot of places at the coast.
Lots of new tourist homes being built at a lot of places at the coast.

Then our journey took a nice turn and we drove to another place (I'm sure I'm gonna share pictures another day) which is close to the Rainbow Gathering that is taking place here in Albania right now!

Thank you so much dear for telling me about it <3

So today or tomorrow I'm gonna take the tent and some music instruments and spend a few days away from the world.

I've never been on a Rainbow Gathering and I'm a bit excited about this new experience, but I can feel for a while now that my heart could use a little break from all the worldly stuff that I've been doing and thinking about this last year.

So I'm really looking forward to this time off to finally care for my spiritual side again <3

The beaches in the South of Albania seem to be more stoney than in the North. I like that :)
The beaches in the South of Albania seem to be more stoney than in the North. I like that :)

So I'm gonna leave you with two more pictures of that amazing postcard beach we found before I'll take some days off of the internet.

I'm sure I'm gonna come back with a lot of stories to tell :)

Thank you for reading <3

And see you soon! 

Ana <3

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