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Trip to Menir dos Almendres - Évora | Portugal


Hi everyone

We continue our virtual tour through Alentejo lands, and today we are going to move away from the area where we stayed and we are going to visit a place of interest in the area that caught our attention during some of the trips we made to the city of Évora.
I'm not even going to mention that i don't have a single photo of the village of Arraiolos on this trip, i don't know for sure what happened, or maybe i know, it is one of those situations where we are leaving a place to visit for the end, perhaps because we are too close and then for unforeseeable reasons and events, we ended up failing to do what we had planned.
Of course we visited the village, and it was there that we got supplies for the week, but my idea was to take the time to visit Arraiolos castle and start registration from that point, but in the end it was not possible, and with this situation, i can only conclude that the proverb is correct: Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today ....
But ahead!

So off we went towards the place that i want to show you today.
I did a research and decided right away that i could not leave that place without visiting this place.
I am not going to fully explain the meaning or date historically the data presented by historians, simply because i will leave this data for the post that will come after this one where the register and the dimension of the objects is much more significant.
Today we are going to take a look at the Menir dos Almendres, which is halfway there that will later take us to the Megalithic site of the Cromeleque dos Almendres.

When we got there, if there wasn´t a small sign and it would have gone completely unnoticed, not least because the path ahead of us was narrow and meandered through private land to a small space also private, but due to its historical importance, the owner allows its access to the public.
As it seemed to me when we got there, this finger of God is located in Herdade dos Almendres, completely isolated from the rest. Despite not being noticed in the photos, this Menhir has a decoration composed of a staff and a strip of wavy lines.

Despite its 3.50 m height, this Menir was erected by the current owner of the land, and was found in a place not very far from where it is now.
To conclude, a Menir is a prehistoric stone monument, set vertically in the ground, usually of a very high dimension, and its meaning will be revealed in the next post, so don't miss the next episode ;)

That´s all for today :)

See you soon
Thank you for watching :)

All images are my property | Images © 2020 @aleister