Sé Catedral de Lamego - XII Sacred Monument | Portugal


Hello everyone :)

So, after our big climb to the Santuary and even though we where super tired, that did not stoped us from continue to explore the city.
Lamego has monuments that are a national references, and the Cathedral is just another example.
From one of the highlights of the city, we can see Largo da Sé full of people who went to the Cathedral, some for religious reasons and others, as was our case, to be able to observe its entire internal and external structure.





It was founded in 1129, and the dominant Gothic style retains the original square medieval tower.
In the 15th century, profound reforms were carried out and the most notable of all was the entrance to the Cathedral where we can see the triple portico. The rest of the structure reflects modifications made in the 16th and 18th centuries, including a Renaissance cloister with a dozen arches.




Before entering, we had the opportunity to sit down and rest on one of the well-positioned terraces in front of the Cathedral. On the hottest days, which in Lamego are very hot, i believe that whoever comes here takes the opportunity to do the same.
It was during this brief stop that we were also able to take a closer look at the details described above.

Right next door and almost unnoticed, we can find the Museum-Archive Diocesan of Lamego.
It is located in “Casa do Poço”, a manor house that belonged to Morgado do Poço and where several exhibitions take place, mainly of religious art.



Upon entering the Cathedral we can immediately hear the religious choir in rehearsals, right in front we can see the gilded and marble altar. I don't know if it happens to you, but when i enter a religious place, the tendency is to look at the ceiling, the paintings are imposing and always tell a story.
In the side aisles there are several Baroque altars.
Another thing that caught my attention was the number of confessionals scattered throughout the interior, i wonder if they will all be used or if they just stayed there and ended up being part of the decoration.



We move on to the outside but still inside the Cathedral, where you can see a beautiful garden with some benches for those who need to take a break or simply enjoy the silence.
During the time we were here, and despite the fact that there were still some people in the room, the silence was notorious, perhaps because we were in the cardinal's cloister.




A cloister is part of the religious architecture of cathedrals, abbeys and convents. There are four corridors forming a square and, as a rule, there is a garden in the middle.


Here we can find two more chapels, both with altars, story tiles and one of them was closed to the public.
This was the one that aroused my most curiosity because it had a slab with a text in Latin, which aroused my curiosity to understand what was written there.


After researching i realized that this was the Chapel of São Nicolau, and the reason it is closed is because inside we can see the tomb of the founding bishop D.Manuel de Noronha.


That's all for today, i hope you enjoyed :)

Photo by @aleister
Camera - Canon EOS 600D
Lens - EFS 18-55mm / 70-300mm
Location - Portugal

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Value your time, because every fraction counts, and the price of anything is the amount of life you trade for it.
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