That there is a @pinmapple community, tonight we drove the car on the toll road. As we know, toll roads are infrastructure that really helps us in transportation. Wide roads and not many vehicles passing by make drivers feel safe and comfortable when transporting.

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Tonight the sky looks very nice, and we have the desire to visit a very famous eating place in the Seulawah area. it took us about 2 hours from the capital where we live to get there. We can take 2 hours if we take the toll road. However, if not the journey will take around 3-4 hours and that is very long.

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During the trip we really enjoyed the extraordinary night views. There is a very beautiful moon and stars scattered around.
but I forgot to take the picture. I am sorry. And we also played the full album of Taylor Swift and sang together.
Even my voice not great but me and my friend really enjoyed it.
Night trips are really fun, aren't they? I really want to do it every night.

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On the way it rained. And the time has come, we have arrived at a restaurant that we really want to visit tonight.
This place is usually known as cikgu. His name is Cikgu. Here there are various food and drink menus available. However, the best menu choice here is Aceh deer meat noodles. Yes, it is really sought after by all tourists who pass through this area. and since we were on our way, we were so happy to eat it. This food is very delicious and is highly recommended for people to try it.

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The place is really spacious, lots of spot choices. So we can choose a safe and comfortable place for quality time with family, friends, best friends or even girlfriends or boyfriends. The air here is very fresh, but tonight it feels a little colder because of the rain. the place is clean, and not too bright. Tonight the roads are filled with fog so drivers must be more careful when crossing the area.

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Yeee finally our order arrived. ACEH DEER MEAT NOODLES. The taste is really delicious, the savory taste of the noodles with a mixture of typical Acehnese spices makes the taste special, and don't forget the many pieces of deer meat which makes the taste of these noodles even more special. The pieces of deer meat are large and the texture of the meat is also tender so it is not difficult to eat. It's really delicious. I like it very much.

Hopefully one day some of you will be able to go on holiday to Aceh and try this typical Acehnese food menu.
See you soon love


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