"God's Bridge"


I've been hearing about this thing called "God's Bridge" for a while, mostly from the tourists who visit this area, but I've never actually been there until today. It wasn't even a planned trip to this place, but a really nice one.

I was out with a few neighbors when one of them suggested going there for a visit. Since it's only about 100 kilometers away from our town, I couldn't say no. The road was pretty twisted, which made the journey take about an hour and a half, but it was worth it.

The bridge itself isn't particularly spectacular, but the landscape and views are magnificent. There's even a cave underneath it, and those brave enough for the zip line can get a look at the cave while crossing the abyss.

I'm not the type to ride roller coasters and such, so I stuck to what I do best: taking photos with my smartphone. The weather was lovely, with plenty of sunshine, as you can see from the pictures – it was a great Sunday.

You know who had the guts to try the zip line? The seven-year-old girl I took a selfie with...

Oh, and on our way back from the "feats spot" (it turned out there was a festival there this weekend), we got caught in heavy rain, leaving all of us soaking wet when we reached the car. Overall, it was a nice experience, and I definitely recommend visiting the place to anyone coming to this area.

Here's a bit of "data" collected from the internet on the tourist attraction I dedicated this post to:

“God’s bridge” is the biggest natural bridge in Romania and the second one in Europe, as dimension. The bridge in Ponoarele has a length of 30 meters, a width of 13 meters, a height of 22 meters and a thickness of nine meters. This curiosity of nature, which attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world annually, was formed of calcareous stone, after the ceiling of a cave collapsed.

Have a great one and see you all tomorrow.


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