The man who ejaculated...from the ass 🤣

Here's a funny medical case I came across today, which involves a patient which among other rare symptoms... ejaculated from his ass, lol.

Ok I shouldn't laugh with the misery of others but god damn.. From the ass? 🤣🤣

But wait, it gets better. He also presented with pneumaturia and fecaluria, which means he farted and pooped from his dick 😂😂😂😂😂

He also noted a substantial amount of urine and sperm passage from his rectum in addition to pneumaturia and fecaluria for the past two years.

Funnily, the actual reason he seeked medical help was "five days of testicular pain". Really?

All these problems arose from an injury that occurred when he was hospitalized a couple years back from the use of a Foley catheter, whatever the fuck that is.

Further investigation divulged a three-week comatose state due to cocaine and phencyclidine intoxication two years prior. Documentation suggested significant trauma with Foley catheter placement associated with hematuria during that hospitalization

Don't worry though, if you ever need one, that seems to be a rare incident:

Cases secondary to Foley catheter placement have not been previously reported in the literature.

Now, I am not much of a doctor but if I get it right...the doctors managed to fix his junk.. somewhat 😅

Repeat VCUG revealed resolution of the fistula and the patient recovered with only mildly reduced antegrade ejaculatory volume over several months

So he still ejaculated from his ass but only mildly. Ooooff what a relief 🥳

Feel free to visit if you want to read more about this weird case 🤣🤣

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