The Fun Good Old Days

Everyday, we wake up with the programmed mindset of seeing the sun rise and then starting our daily activities.

Soon enough, we see the sun at its peak and start sweating profusely (Dry season) or rainfall starts and we seek for shelter (Rainy season)

Then comes the night drawing us back to our homes and sleep with hope of waking up the next day and continuing from where we stopped the previous day.

Right from when we were born, we have been witnessing this cycle of activities continuously to the extent that we no longer value them most times because it comes to us in a platter of gold.
For us, it has lost its fun because we have gotten used to it... We've grown familiarity with the cycle and we are almost desensitized to it.


When have you seen something extraordinary or something out of normal?

Well, mine was when I was in primary 5 or thereabout, a very long time ago.

Do You Know What Happened Then?



In layman's terms, the cycle of the day then changed from {Morning >> Afternoon >> Night} to {Morning >> Night >> Afternoon >> Night}.

Without the knowledge of physics I have now then, we were meant to believe that the sun and moon were fighting over dominance and you've got to trust my fellow Nigerians, we were told to start praying to God that the world was about ending... Hilarious right?

Well, what I have to tell you is that then, it wasn't funny at all as we all started praying in darkness because everywhere was dark and begging God to spare us.. Most of us were crying and shouting that we want to be with our mum then also, lol.

When it was due, the afternoon returned again and we felt like Elijah when God answered his prayer over the false prophets of Baal.

And then came another argument when we went out for break with the school opposite ours as it was their break too.... We were arguing whose prayer saved the world from collapsing, hahahah.
We believed it was ours and they believed it was theirs.... Ohh, the good old days.



In as much as this experience was almost a crying one then, we had fun when the whole situation was resolved because it seems as if a spice was added to the normal cycle we knew before then.

What Has Added Spice To Your Own Routine Cycle?

Wait.. don't tell me you still think eclipse happens when the moon and the sun is fighting?

Thanks and enjoy the rest of your day👍

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