Chocolate Cravings? Simple Magnesium May Be The Answer

We’ve all known them, those chocolate voices calling to us in the night, while driving the car, after lunch, walking the dog. They seem to know where we are all the time, and they nag more than your mother!

But wait, could there be a cure? An off-button? A key for the lock? There just might be for you, so read on. If you are looking for an answer, it could be as easy as the humble element known as magnesium. There is a similarity between the chemical make-up of magnesium and chocolate, which is why the body clamors for the "choco" when magnesium is in short supply, hence the infamous choco-cravings.

FYI–magnesium just happens to be the 4th most abundant mineral in the body. What’s more, it’s ions are actually essential to all living cells, human and animal. How’s that for being popular! In any given day, just to function, the human body performs hundreds of chemical processes using the tools we call enzymes. To form those enzymes properly requires magnesium ions. It’s like rebuilding an antique car that requires specialized parts and there’s only a few suppliers.


I realize lots of people will say what’s wrong with craving chocolate? True. There may be nothing wrong, but before you bang the gavel on it, consider these facts: The human body requires magnesium for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body specifically normal muscle and nerve functions, immune system health, steady heart rhythm, blood sugar regulation, normal blood pressure levels, bone health, energy metabolism, and many more.

Studies have shown the American diet is sadly lacking in supplying us with magnesium and deficiency is actually relatively common. A whopping two-thirds of the population may actually be magnesium deficient! Think you might be? (You have those choco-cravings, after all.) Here is a list of symptoms of magnesium deficiency: agitation, anxiety, irritability, restless leg syndrome, sleep disorders, abnormal heart rhythms, low blood pressure, mental confusion, muscle spasms/weakness, bone disorders, hyperventilation, insomnia, poor nail growth, migraines, and more. Magnesium in deficient levels has been associated with the development of diabetes, osteoporosis, asthma, and migraines.

Severe magnesium deficiency, called hypomagnesemia, has the following symptoms: heart rhythm disturbances, seizures, muscle tremors/twitches, hyperactive reflexes, personality changes, and chemical imbalances. It is believed that severe magnesium deficiency can be caused by disease present in the body, the side effects of some medications such as antibiotics and diuretics, kidney disease, chronic diarrhea, hyperparathyroidism, severe malabsorption, and chronic alcoholism.

Alternative medicine has further identified magnesium to be important in the following conditions: mitral valve prolapse, connective tissue repair, atherosclerosis, apathy, depression, memory loss/confusion, kidney stones, high blood pressure, heart arrhythmia, chest pains, PMS, menstrual cramps, epilepsy, autism, hyperactivity, chronic fatigue syndrome, and anxiety attacks.

Of course, if you suspect you are magnesium deficient, it might be wise to consult your physician or alternative medicine practitioner for more information and testing. There are a number of preparations you can purchase over-the-counter to supplement for magnesium which your health care specialists can assist you with. If you want to look for help from your diet, some foods considered to be good sources of magnesium include: nuts, cereals, spices, coffee, tea, and vegetables, especially green leafy ones such as spinach. Drink hard water, or mineral water, which can also contain magnesium. Magnesium aspartate or magnesium citrate are the most easily absorbed, and taking supplementation in liquid or powdered form is recommended. Avoid drinking alcohol and watch your intake of fast food. Also, remember, refined grains are low in magnesium since the refining process removes the magnesium-rich bran and germ. Eat whole grains instead of white or refined ones.

Oh, yeah, and there’s one little side effect to supplementing with magnesium that’s, well, important to know. Magnesium can cause very loose stools, even diarrhea. Love that one. So, if you’re constipated this might be what you’re looking for. If you aren’t, adjust your supplement dose to where the stool are more normal and you should be happy again. Remember, check with your physician or health care specialist before supplementing to check for side effects and drug interactions related to your health regimen or history.

Then, after reading all this and suspecting your choco-cravings are related to magnesium deficiency, you decide in favor of following the chocolate wherever it leads, I can’t argue with that. I won’t give up my choco either! I am being proactive and building up my magnesium reserves with supplements now, but the chocolate is going to stay, and that’s just the way it is. At least it won’t be calling my name in the middle of the night anymore!


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