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Math Brain Teasers 18:: ChessBoard - How Many Squares??

Hey All; @StemGeeks Mathematician;

So today Math Brain Teaser is around the chessboard. I guess most of you would have played chess or rather still be playing chess with your children or friends. But do you know how many squares are there on a chessboard?

I know you could easily google to know the number of squares on a chessboard and answer it. But what I'm looking at here is how do you arrive at the number of squares on the chessboard. So in simple words share with me the logic of finding the number of squares on a chessboard. The answer with a detailed explanation with easy to follow instruction will be the winner of this contest; Math Brain Teasers 18:: How many Squares on the ChessBoard?

Hint:: No hint here; just remember not to answer the direct number of squares on the chessboard. Rather provide some explanation as to how you arrived at that number..that would be interesting to see and will also help you learn something new.

Math Brain Teasers 17:: Mango Picture Puzzle; Can You Divide Equally?- Solved with Explanation

The problem statement was that we had distributed 6 Mangoes amongst 6 people and One mango should remain in the basket. I liked what @definethedollar had to say and he got an extra mango to distribute and that left one mango in the basket.. a smart way to distribute but we deviated from the original question.
The right answer is as follows::

  • Step 1 - Distribute 5 Mangoes to the FIVE people

  • Step 2 - Now that we have 1 Mango left in the basket.

Give the last person the basket along with the mango. And that is how you solve the problem of distributing the mangoes equally to 6 people with one mango being left in the basket. Cheers...

Refer to the answer of @saachi as a single-line answer...

Give 1 mango each to 5 person and give basket containing mango to 6th person.

STEM token GiveAway

I'll be again doing a giveaway of STEM tokens to the lucky random winner with the correct answer. For the last contest, which was Mango Picture Puzzle; Can You Divide Equally??.

We had 3 entries & out of which 2 were correct. And the lucky winner for the Math Brain Teasers 17 is @saachi. As stated earlier this time the reward is 20 STEM as we didn't have any winner for Math Brain Teasers 16

Congratulations @saachi; You WIN yourself 20 STEM tokens. You should be having the rewards in your STEM Wallet Soon.

Math Quote for the Day::

Here is the motivation to solve the Mango Picture Puzzle; Can You Divide Equally??

If you like my work, then please spread the Word.. that we do have the Math Brain Teasers competition here @StemGeeks platform. Reblog is much appreciated.

Best Regards

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PS:: All the Maths Brain Teasers; are made by me using the Pro Canva License Version