RE: Why the Survival of the Early Man is not a Big Deal

Well it's being indicated that leaving the good progeny will make you better fitted rather than getting eliminated because of not leaving any seeds. Somehow it looked like having the best mate ancestors accomplished everything 😅 they defeated the predators, secured the territory and left their marks are survived, man. So attaining the last thing they went for sex and the means you have explored better fit the discussion. So in my view survival was only possible by adopting a such hilarious way of mating.

all they have to do is just survive.

So they have done everything to make it possible by hook or crook. By the way do the incoming generation would adopt the same way or will they prefer only to limit the life to pleasure. Don't know if I am going off the track but your thoughts are commendable. I guess I know you since Uptrennd am I right 🤭😂

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