PeakLock and Others Improvements

A new release of is now available. This release include some improvements for PeakLock to make it easier to use and some other changes and updates across the website.

The new release is now live at


1. New PeakLock version

With this update PeakLock should be easier to use and the account will be kept unlocked for a longer period. Also the 'active' key is not stored anymore in the 'locker', but can be used when needed to sign transactions.


NOTE: Unfortunately this new version is not compatible with the previous version, so to use it you have to setup your accounts and login again.

2. Better Notifications

Starting with this release we are going to constantly improve the small notifications displayed at the bottom of the screen.

A first result of the new and improved system is this small popup that you will see when there are rewards to claim:


The threshold to trigger the popup is configurable so you can adjust it to fit your preference (or disable it completely).

3. Witness can now set an Owner Account

This will make easier for witnesses to specify an 'owner'. As you can see in the following image we used this new feature to 'link' the @steempeak witness to the @peakd project:


4. New API Node and better Node details

The new API node is now available thanks to @pharesim and you can select it in your Settings. You can read more about the new node and the hardware setup here.

Also with this release we included some additional details on the API nodes configuration. You can check those details when you select a node:


5. New Nodes Benchmark page

This new page is still in beta, but will help users to select the best API node for them. You can give it a try here:

This page is not intended to be a full benchmark of the available nodes and should be used just to find the best node for each user. Keep in mind that the speed of each node can change based on your geographic location, network and account.

6. Short community links

This is a small update, but it's now possible to use shorter link for communities:

The above link will automatically redirect to the corresponding community page.

7. More embeds and better previews

With this release we added the option to embed videos. Also there are some fixes for DTube and we have improved the preview of YouTube videos when a post is shared on other websites.

8. Some minor bug fixes and minor improvements

As always some minor fixes and improvements across the website ;)

Support the @peakd / @steempeak projects

Now is probably a nice time to remind you of the ways you can support the development of @peakd.


We have a proposal on the Decentralized Hive Fund. You can review the proposal here.
If you agree to the proposal and you think the points mentioned add value to the Hive Blockchain consider supporting it using the above links or directly with this link.

We also run a witness server to help produce the blocks for the Hive Blockchain. You can vote for our witness so we are in a position to process more of them.

Vote on the witness page:

  • Using Keychain: You just have to click and approve the transaction
  • Using SteemConnect: You'll need access to confirm the transaction with your Active Key at least

The PeakD Team

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