Leprechaun Hypnotism (or is it Mind Control?)

If you type into any given internet search engine something like "leprechaun hypnosis" you're more likely than not going to come across references to the 2000 movie Leprechaun In The Hood. This is due to the "Zombie Fly Girls" which are featured as cinematic eye candy. There is also a golden magic flute that can put victims in a trance but that seems more like a "we need a prop to justify this movie's premise" than an antagonist's MacGuffin.

The Mental Block Wiki refers to the Zombie Fly Girls as "a trio of hypnotized beauties" while a screen capture on hypno-movies.com identifies the women as "the leprechaun's hypnotized posse".

This goes back to the issue brought up in a post by @honeysaver and my reply two months ago in the launch announcement post. In the last paragraph I cited two independent sources that described hypnosis when arguably "mind control" would be more correct. I don't think @dannychain has added anything like #MindControl or #Brainwash tags yet. Eventually due to the gray nature of how mind control and brainwashing could be interchangeable with hypnosis in some scenarios the @hypnochain tribe will probably need to establish a demarcation. Personally I believe that technology which triggers mind control is a form of hypnosis and I think I could argue that viewpoint persuasively.

Magic is a little more on the edge so I am going to use the #HypnoChain tag rather than #hypnosis for this post. If I wanted to stretch my technological mind control argument I could use Arthur C. Clarke's law that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. That begins to establish a slippery slope and without a boundary someone could argue that chemistry is related to technology so love potions should also be germane to this tribe. Right now that's really up to @dannychain since I don't think there are any other moderators yet. I think the tribe is still looking for a German moderator after a user claimed a post was about hypnotic drugs.

Anyway, Happy Saint Patrick's Day HypnoChain tribe!

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