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Vodite decu u prirodu, ne u šoping! 🙏🏃‍♀️🪲🌳 Take your kids to nature, not shopping!

Da li znate da mnoga deca ne znaju da uhvate loptu!?
Možda zato što im niko ne baca? 😔
Razumem da se brzo živi, da su roditelji zaokupirani zaradjivanjem novca, da se svet promenio i da se brzo živi.
Koliko god da je teško, decu nikada ne smemo da zapostavimo!
Setite se šta je vama trebalo kada ste bili mali?
To dajte deci. Ispravite i dopunite ono što je vama nedostajalo. Deca će vam biti iskreno zahvalna. Ja sam vaspitačica i radim kao animator na dečijim rodjendanima već 20 godina. Znam o čemu govorim. Imam ogromno iskustvo i bolno detinjstvo. Imala sam tatu i mamu, ali samo fizički.
S obzirom da nisam dobila nikakvu nežnost, ponosna sam na sebe u kakvu sam osobu izrasla.
Možda sam se baš iz tog razloga posvetila deci. Možda kroz brigu o njima, lečim sebe.
U to ime, današnji post posvećujem izletu sa decom.❤️

Do you know that many children do not know how to catch the ball !?
Maybe because no one throws them? 😔
I understand that people live fast, that their parents are preoccupied with making money, that the world has changed and that they live fast.
No matter how hard it is, we must never neglect children!
Remember what you needed when you were little?
Give it to the children. Correct and supplement what you missed. The children will be sincerely grateful to you. I am an educator and have been working as an animator on children's birthdays for 20 years. I know what I'm talking about. I have a huge experience and a painful childhood. I had a dad and a mom, but only physically.
Since I have not received any tenderness, I am proud of myself for the kind of person I grew into.
Maybe that's why I dedicated myself to children. Maybe by taking care of them, I heal myself.
In that name, I dedicate today's post to a trip with children. "



Iako su najavili kišu, hrabro i veselo smo krenule u šetnju.
Usput smo se divile žbunovima lavande, pčelama i bumbarima, koji su vredno radili i ispunjavali svoju ulogu u prirodi.

Although they announced rain, we bravely and cheerfully went for a walk.
Along the way, we admired lavender bushes, bees and bumblebees, who worked hard and fulfilled their role in nature.




Nebo nas je nagradilo što smo krenule u šetnju bez obzira na najavljenu kišu pa nam je razmaklo sive oblake. Pojavili su se prvi zraci sunca koji su padali na delove grada.

The sky rewarded us for going for a walk regardless of the announced rain, so the gray clouds parted. The first rays of the sun that fell on parts of the city appeared.


Stigle smo do prvog vidikovca gde nas je sačekala česma. Tamo smo odmorile i zasladile se domaćim neprskanim trešnjama. 🍒

We reached the first lookout point where a fountain was waiting for us. We rested there and sweetened up with homemade unsprayed cherries. 🍒




Nakon pojedene užine, malo smo istraživale okolinu. Bilo je zabavno. Devojčice su o biljnim i životinjskom svetu naučile više nego u školi. 🐞🐝🪲🦗

After eating a snack, we explored the surroundings a bit. It was fun. The girls learned more about flora and fauna than in school. 🐞🐝🪲🦗



Deca i priroda.jpg


Kada sam im rekla da ne idu u duboku travu jer ima krpelja, reakcija je izgledala ovako:

When I told them not to go into the deep grass because there are ticks, the reaction was like this:


Već je bilo kasno. Krenule smo kući. Usput smo upoznale nove prijatelje.

It was already late. We headed home. We met new friends along the way.


U povratku, prolazile smo pored muzeja sa interesantnom izložbom starih bicikala. Šašavo izgleda! 🔙 u prošlost. 😀
Morala sam da uslikam nekoliko snimaka.

On the way back, we passed a museum with an interesting exhibition of old bicycles. It looks crazy! 🔙 in the past. 😀
I had to take a few shots.



Na nekoliko metara do kuće, pitale su za sladoled. Rekla sam im da se otopio! 😂
Sigurna sam da su svi dobro večerali. 😁

A few meters to the house, they asked for ice cream. I told them it melted! 😂
I'm sure everyone had a good dinner. 😁

Volite decu, grlite i mazite kad god imate priliku.
Budite svojoj deci ono što je vama trebalo kada ste bili mali.

You love children, hug and cuddle whenever you have the chance.
Be your child what you needed when you were little.

Pozdrav od Anke vregolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolanka.