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Indigo deca, nova filozofska generacija. 🤪🖌️🖌 Indigo children, a new philosophical generation.

Kupila sam ćerki kanu za tetoviranje. Bolje to nego da sedi za kompjuterom. Nismo za pravu tetovažu. Boli a nije ni lepo. Ljudi preteruju, šetaju kao otvorene knjige. A kad ostare, biće crtež kao izgužvana novina. 😆😉

Mislim da je kreativno i zabavno. Kana je prirodna i šare su vrlo ženstvene. Moja ćerka ima 10 godina i već razmišlja o biznisu slikanja kanom. 🤑😀 Ja sam u njenim godinama igrala klikere i penjala se na drvo! 😆

  • Mama, hajde da te tetoviram.

  • Opet? 😬

  • Da.

  • Joj, hajde ako mora. 🙄

  • Taaaakooo. Dobrooo. Budi mirna!

I bought my daughter a canoe for tattooing. Better that than sitting at a computer. We are not for a real tattoo. It hurts and it's not nice. People exaggerate, they walk around like open books. And when they get older, the drawing will be like a crumpled newspaper. 😆😉

I think it’s creative and fun. Henna is natural and the patterns are very feminine. My daughter is 10 years old and is already thinking about the henna painting business. 🤑😀 At her age, I played marbles and climbed a tree! 😆

  • Mom, let me tattoo you.
  • Again? 😬
  • Yes.
  • Oh, come on if you have to. 🙄
  • Taaaakooo. Dobrooo. Be calm!






  • Jao!

  • Šta je bilo?

  • Pa grebe me. 😬

  • E pa nije život samo med i mleko.

  • !??


  • Alas!
  • What happened?
  • Well, they're scratching me. 😬
  • Well, life is not just honey and milk.

-! ??


Sve joj opraštam, dobro je ispalo. 😅

I forgive her everything, it turned out well. 😅

Pozdrav od Anke vregolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolanka.