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Deca zaslužuju mnogo više nego što dobijaju.😉~Children deserve much more than they get.😉

Zdravo Hiver-i🙆🏻‍♀️

Situacija koja mi se desila juče me je iskreno pogodila😕. Imam dve starije sestre, odrasla sam sa njih dve, jedna sestra je u drugom stanju🤰🏻, a najstarija sestra mi ima sina Milana, prelep dečak i prepametan za svojih 3 godine.👶🏻

hi Hivers🙆🏻‍♀️

The situation that happened to me yesterday really affected me😕. I have two older sisters, I grew up with them, one sister is pregnant🤰🏻, and my oldest sister has a son Milan, a beautiful boy and too smart for his 3 years.👶🏻


Najstarija sestra mi se zove Timea, ima sina Milana i skoro se rastala sa mužem zbog nekih njihovih nesuglasica. Nas dve dok smo bile male nismo se volele, stalno smo se tukle, svađale, pravile smicalice jedna drugoj i izdavale jedna drugu mami🤬. Kada čovek odraste, ta žar se ohladi, nestane, pretvori u pepeo i nestane, pa čak i ta svađa i sve.🥺Kada je Timea ostala u drugom stanju naš odnos se malo popravio, bile smo malo složenije i bolje jedna prema drugoj.💖

My oldest sister's name is Timea, she has a son, Milan, and she almost broke up with her husband because of some of their disagreements. When we were little, we didn't like each other, we constantly fought, argued, played tricks on each other and betrayed each other to our mother🤬. When a man grows up, that ardor cools down, disappears, turns to ashes and disappears, and even that quarrel and everything.🥺When Timea remained in a different state, our relationship improved a little, we were a little more complex and better towards each other.💖


A kada se porodila i dovela na svet malog Milana zaboravile smo na sve loše dane. Ili sam barem ja zaboravila. Ona kada se rastala sa svojim partnerom, otišla je u neki privremeni stačić sa malim Milanom u nadi da će naći nešto bolje, neki malo bolji stan jer detetu ipak treba malo bolji uslov📚🧸. Nije uspela da nađe ništa nažalost, moja majka i moj očuh su joj ponudili da bude sa nama neko vreme dok ne nađe to bolje nešto, a mali Milan će taman biti malo više sa svojom babom i dedom i svojom tetom(sa mnom).👨‍👩‍👦

And when she gave birth and brought little Milan into the world, we forgot about all the bad days. Or at least I forgot. When she broke up with her partner, she went to a temporary apartment with little Milan in the hope of finding something better, a slightly better apartment because the child still needs a little bit better conditions📚🧸. She didn't manage to find anything, unfortunately, my mother and my stepfather offered her to stay with us for a while until she finds something better, and little Milan will be with his grandparents and his aunt (with me) a little longer.👨‍👩‍👦


Zašto me je ova situacija pogodila? Zato što ta selidba utiče na malog deteta, stalna promena, stalna promena vrtića, dece, ljudi, mesto gde boravi, živi, spava, jede... Milan je mali i boli me činjenica kada on zna koja njegova kuća i stalno pita kada će nazad u njegovu žutu kuću🏘... Boli me to što je sada dete rastavljenih roditelja💔. Boli me zato što sam ja dete rastavljenih roditelja, znam koliko je to bolno, a nadam se da će Milan imati malo bolje detinjstvo nego ja.

Why did this situation strike me? Because this move affects a small child, constant change, constant change of kindergarten, children, people, the place where he stays, lives, sleeps, eats... Milan is small and the fact that he knows his house and keeps asking when he will back to his yellow house🏘... It hurts me that he is now a child of divorced parents💔. It hurts because I am a child of divorced parents, I know how painful it is, and I hope that Milan will have a better childhood than I did.


Tatu nisam videla godinama, ostavio me je kada sam imala dve godine, a videla sam ga posle toga možda kada sam imala četiri godine i poslednji put kada sam imala 7, 8 godina ali tada nikako već nije želeo da čuje za mene, za svoju devojčicu, nego je samo pobegao u inostranstvo💩. Moja majka je prošla kroz 1001 boli, a mislim da je i dan danas boli što nemam svog oca, čak i ako imamo predobrog očuha pored nas.

I haven't seen my dad for years, he left me when I was two years old, and I saw him after that maybe when I was four years old and the last time when I was 7, 8 years old, but then he didn't want to hear about me, about his little girl, but he just fled abroad.💩 My mother went through 1001 pains, and I think it still hurts to this day that I don't have my father, even if we have a very good stepfather by our side.


Mali Milan zaslužuje svu sreću ovog sveta🌍, i nadam se da njega tata neće odbaciti, da će želeti da ga viđa, da mu daje džeparac, da će ga i on školovati👨🏻‍🏫, da će mu pružati lepo detinjstvo, da će se igrati sa njim i da će ga učiti o životu, a ne samo majka da bude i tata i mama. Milan je voljen i bogat, ima babe, dede, tetke, ujaka, strica, strinu, ima ogromnu porodicu, ali ne želim da oseti ikada prazninu u srcu koju ja osećam i dan danas, da nema nedostatak oca.

Little Milan deserves all the happiness in the world🌍, and I hope that his father will not reject him, that he will want to see him, that he will give him pocket money, that he will also educate him👨🏻‍🏫, that he will give him a nice childhood, that he will play with him and that she will teach him about life, not just a mother to be a dad and a mom. Milan is loved and rich, he has grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, uncles, aunts, he has a huge family, but I don't want him to ever feel the emptiness in his heart that I still feel today, that he doesn't lack a father.


Ali opet srećna sam što su Timea i Milan ovde, dolaze praznici, Božić, Nova Godina🎆, bićemo svi zajedno, zajedno ukrašavati kuću, zajedno ćemo kititi jelku🎄 i otvarati poklone🎁. Znam da je mnogo dece sigurno bez roditelja, i mrzim tu činjenicu kada roditelj ne ume da prihvati svoje dete koje je dobilo i nije spreman za tako nešto. Takvi ljudi su samo obične kukavice, ne zaslužuju ništa dobro na ovom svetu😶. Ne postoji ni jedan dobar razlog da se dete ostavi. Nadam se da će Milanu biti lepo kod nas, i da mu neće pored nas faliti njegova žuta kuća, potrudiću se da ne pomisli na nju.🫡

But again I'm happy that Timea and Milan are here, holidays are coming, Christmas, New Year🎆, we will all be together, decorate the house together, decorate the Christmas tree🎄 and open presents together🎁. I know that many children must be without parents, and I hate the fact that a parent can't accept their adopted child and is not ready for such a thing. Such people are just plain cowards, they don't deserve anything good in this world😶. There is no good reason to leave a child. I hope that Milan will have a good time with us, and that he will not miss his yellow house next to us, I will do my best not to think about it.🫡


Ps. Na svim slikama je mali Milan🫠

Ps. Little Milan is in all the pictures🫠

Pozdrav od vaše Rebeke💝

Greeting from your Rebecca💝