Polazak u školu,još jedan korak u životu 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️ Starting school, another step in life

Ponovo 1.razred🤷‍♀️ i polazak u školu,iako mi je ovo treći put,ipak imam tremu 🙄
Ovaj put moja ćerka i sin moje pastorke kreću u školu.Zajedno su u razredu i to je super.


Agen 1th grade and coming back to school. This is my thread time now😄,but I'm still nervous 🙄
This time my daughter and son of my stepdaughter are starting the school.they are together in class, it's great.


Polazak u školu!!Bitna je to stvar,ali mislim da više mi roditelji paničimo od same dece🙄Tako da sam odlučila da se malo smirim.Imaju ceo život pred sobom za velike stvari,ozbiljnost može malo da pričeka🤩

Going to school!It's a big deal, but I think that much more we,parents, are having a panic attack than the kids. So I decided to take at easy on them,and they have whole life in front of them for the great stuff. Seriousness,can wait .




Naravno,učićemo brojeve i slova,vežbaćemo pisanje,čitanje,radićemo domaći redovno,bez izgovora,ali opušteno,dok se zabavljamo😉.Neka polako i bez pritiska zakorače u sav taj veliki školski svet,dok pronalaze da je čitanje zabava.

Ofcourse, we will learn the numbers and letters,we'll practice writing,reading,we'll work the homework every day,no excuse, but relaxed,while we're having fun😉.let them easily and with no pressure, to walk in to the great big school world, while they finding that reading is fun.



Samo da nauče da veruju u sebe ,da veruju sebi,i napravili smo pravu stvar.Sve ostalo bitno lakše će doći ukoliko su samouvereni☝️

just, if they manage to learn to believe in themselves,and to trust themselves, we done the right thing.Everything else that matters will come much more easily if they are confident ☝️



A sad idemo ...zabava može da počne 😉

And here we go....the fun part can begin 😉

Veliki pozdrav svim Hiverima od Dragane.

Greetings to all Hivers from Dragana.

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