Kakve su vam navike?🤔Da li vam služe ili....🤔...What are your habits?🤔Do they serve you or...🤔

Da li razmišljate o svojim navikama?o svojoj rutini?
....da bar imam naviku da svako jutro vežbam pola sata😳
..Pa počni ,samo 2 minuta🤔,vežbe istezanja.Toliko sigurno možeš.Pa sutra ponovi,pa opet...posle par dana 2 minuta pretvoriće se u 10min,pa u 20min😮.I za mesec ili dva vežbaćeš svakog jutra,bez napora.Tvoj um i tvoje telo se već naviklo 😉


Do you think about your habits? about your routine?
if only I had the habit of exercising every morning for at least half an hour😳..
....So start, just 2 minutes🤔, stretching exercises. You can certainly do that much. Then repeat tomorrow, then again... after a few days, 2 minutes will turn into 10 minutes, then into 20 minutes😮. And in a month or two you will practice every mornings, without effort. Your mind and your body have already gotten used to it 😉

Vežbanje postaje lako kao pripremanje prve kafe ujutru,😀ili čaja,svežeg soka....Samo ne preterujte🤣😉

Exercising becomes as easy as preparing the first coffee in the morning, or tea, fresh juice....just don't overdo it🤣



Kad smo pod pritiskom uvek se vraćamo navikama i rutini,bežimo u njih.Neka nam onda ta rutina bude zdrava,neka nas regeneriše i puni energijom.Zato nam je bolje da steknemo navike koje nam zaista služe,rutinu koja nam obogaćuje svakidašnjicu.

When we are under pressure, we always return to habits and routines, we run into them. Let that routine be healthy for us, let it regenerate and fill us with energy. That is why it is better for us to acquire habits that really serve us,a routine that enriches our everyday life.


Tako je jednostavno

it's that simple



Jer šta je navika?Nešto što ponavljamo i ponavljamo...nema mnogo razmišljanja,prosto ponavljamo jer smo to uradili već milion puta.Tako da ako želiš da nečim obogatiš svoje dane,želiš nešto korisno da dodaš,jednostavno počni.Naravno da ume da bude teško,najteže je početi,naročito ako je to nešto potpuno novo za nas.Ali,možeš otškrinuti mala vrata,i lagano.Nije potrebno odmah dostignuti cilj.



Mi smo svoji gospodari.

Because what is a habit? Something we repeat, and repeat... there's not much thinking, we just repeat it because we've done it a million times already. So if you want to enrich your days with something, you want something useful to add , simply start. Of course it can be difficult, the hardest thing is to start, especially if it is something completely new for us. But, you can open a small door, and easily. It is not necessary to reach the goal immediately.

We are our own masters


Veliki pozdrav svim Hiverima od Dragane.

Greetings to all Hivers from Dragana

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