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Darovi prirode - Gifts of nature


Stiže zlatna jesen kada ubiramo plodove i darove prirode. Naše kuće imaju okučnice na kojima gajimo povrće, voće i grožđe. U mojoj bašti gaji se paradajz, luk, rotkvice, zelena salata, tikvice, krompir, krastavac, cvekla, šargarepa i zelen…

The golden autumn is coming when we harvest the fruits and gifts of nature. Our houses have gardens where we grow vegetables, fruits and grapes. Tomatoes, onions, radishes, lettuce, zucchini, potatoes, cucumbers, beets, carrots and greens are grown in my garden...

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Moj otac je iz valjevskog kraja iz Stuba pre tridesetak godina doneo strukove maline i formirao dva špalira u našoj bašti. Bile su zasađene i višnje koje su nažalost izmrzlre i osušile se, ali i dalje je tu jabuka Petrovača, tri stabla smokve, dva špalira pod vinovom lozom, u dvorištu je cvetna bašta o kojoj se brinula moja majka Nada. Nažalost pre osam godina moji roditelji su preminuli i ja sam malo zapustio našu baštu.

About thirty years ago, my father brought raspberries from Stub from the Valje region and formed two trellises in our garden. Cherries were also planted, which unfortunately froze and dried up, but there is still a Petrovac apple, three fig trees, two trellises under vines, in the yard there is a flower garden that my mother Nada took care of. Unfortunately, eight years ago my parents passed away and I abandoned our garden a little.



Danas baštu obrađuje moj komšija Nistor koji uzgaja povrće i voće na tradicionalan način, bez pesticida i prskanja hemijskim preparatima. Jedini preparat koji se koristi je bakarni kreč - plavi kamen ili Bordovska čorba. Obrađuje zemlju kultivatorom, uveo je sistem navodnjavanja tako da tokom proleća, leta i jeseni uspeva da uradi više berbi. Posle luka, zasadi rasad kupusa. Kada izvadi krompir podigne špalir krastavaca, poseje tikvice, tako da plodovi stižu tokom celog leta i jeseni… Povrće traži stalnu negu, tako da Nistor provodi dosta vremena u bašti. Od ranog jutra pa do mraka. Ovaj blog nije posvećen mom komšiji Nistoru već darovima prirode.

Today, the garden is cultivated by my neighbor Nistor, who grows vegetables and fruits in the traditional way, without pesticides and spraying with chemical preparations. The only preparation used is copper lime - blue stone or Bordeaux broth. He cultivates the land with a cultivator, he introduced an irrigation system so that during spring, summer and autumn he manages to do more harvests. After onions, plant cabbage seedlings. When he takes out the potatoes, he raises a trellis of cucumbers, sows zucchini, so that the fruits arrive throughout the summer and autumn... Vegetables require constant care, so Nistor spends a lot of time in the garden. From early morning until dark. This blog is not dedicated to my neighbor Nistor but to the gifts of nature.

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Stigle su šljive, smokve, breskve, kruške… Treba pripremiti zimnicu. Skuvati pekmez, staviti slatko, napraviti sokove. Zato iskoristite plodove koji rastu u našim baštama jer su vredni zlata.

Plums, figs, peaches, pears have arrived... We need to prepare the winter storage. Cook jam, put sweet, make juices. So take advantage of the fruits that grow in our gardens because they are worth their weight in gold.

Do sada sam skuvao pekmez od šljiva, pripremio sok od višanja. Pre neki dan sam kuvao pekmez od smokvi i krušaka. Zimnicu spremam po receptima moje bake i majke. Koristim njihovu tehnologiju pripremanja pekmeza i sokova, ali imam i svoje male tajne.

So far I have cooked plum jam, prepared cherry juice. The other day I cooked fig and pear jam. I prepare winter food according to my grandmother's and mother's recipes. I use their technology for preparing jams and juices, but I also have my own little secrets.




Koristim razne začine kao što su karanfilić, muskatni orah, cimet, vanil šećer, štapić vanile ili aroma vanile i ruma. Prilikom kuvanja pekmeza od smokve stavio sam koru limuna i pomoranđe, kao i sok od limuna i pomoranđe. Ukus pekmeza me je podsetio na Mediteran i more. Pekmez od kruške sam ove godine prvi put kuvao. Igrao sam se sa aromom vanile, cimeta i karanfilića… ali osnovni i dominantni ukus je voća od koga je skuvan pekmez. Tajna kulinarstva je da začini i dodaci nesme da budu dominantni. Šećer sam koristio u malim količinama kao neku vrstu konzervansa.

I use various spices such as cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla sugar, vanilla stick or vanilla and rum flavoring. When cooking the fig jam, I put lemon and orange zest, as well as lemon and orange juice. The taste of the jam reminded me of the Mediterranean and the sea. I cooked pear jam for the first time this year. I played with the aroma of vanilla, cinnamon and cloves... but the basic and dominant flavor is the fruit from which the jam is made. The secret of cooking is that spices and accessories should not be dominant. I used sugar in small amounts as a kind of preservative.




Sve je prirodno i slobodno mogu reči da su to darovi prirode. Zima zna da bude duga i hladna. Život ne može da stane!

Everything is natural and I can freely say that these are gifts of nature. Winter can be long and cold. Life cannot stop!


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Život ne može da stane!

Life cannot stop!